[comp.graphics] VIDEO frame grabber need for VME bus

paul@manray.sgi.com (Paul Haeberli) (10/14/89)

Does anyone know of a company that supplies a very dumb RS-170
RGB or NTSC frame grabber that sits on the VME bus?  It would
also be nice if the board could generate video as well.

We would like to plug it into a small machine, so the board can't
be larger than 6U high.

Speed is not as important as cost - being able to grab about
1 frame a second would be fine.

Thx for any info.

paul haeberli @ silicon graphics


unhd (Roger Gonzalez ) (10/16/89)

You may want to look into products from Datacube Inc.  We've been using
their Digimax A-D/D-A board and their ROIstore board and they are quite

UUCP:   unhd!rg@cs.utexas.edu | USPS: Marine Systems Engineering Laboratory
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