[comp.graphics] 3-D Rotation Algorithm

bo@hubcap.clemson.edu (Bo Slaughter) (10/11/89)

I have written a program in Turbo Pascal to take a simple line drawing
and rotate in any of the 3 demensions. The "drawing" consists of a
series of lines with X,Y,Z coordinates, which my program then can rotate
using the simple formula (and variations thereof):


My problem is that this is extremely slow for any medium sized drawing
(32 points took over a second).  Does anyone know of, or have, an
algorithm that could do the same calculations, without all the mucking
about with slow foating point calculations (No, I don't have a math

Bo Slaughter

ihaka@diamond.tmc.edu (Ross Ihaka) (10/11/89)

In article <6734@hubcap.clemson.edu> bo@hubcap.clemson.edu (Bo Slaughter) writes:
|I have written a program in Turbo Pascal to take a simple line drawing
|and rotate in any of the 3 demensions. The "drawing" consists of a
|series of lines with X,Y,Z coordinates, which my program then can rotate
|using the simple formula (and variations thereof):
|  X'=X*cos(THETA)-Y*sin(THETA)
|  Y'=X*sin(THETA)+Y*cos(THETA) 
|My problem is that this is extremely slow for any medium sized drawing
|(32 points took over a second).  Does anyone know of, or have, an
|algorithm that could do the same calculations, without all the mucking
|about with slow foating point calculations (No, I don't have a math

Here is a trick you can use to get fast rotations when the angle is small.
It uses integers to represent floats in [0,1], you can scale the problem
this way easily.

Approximation for sin(theta) and cos(theta)

	sin(theta) ~ theta
	cos(theta) ~ 1 - theta^2 / 2

The rotation is then given by

	x' = x * (1-theta^2/2) - y * theta
	y' = x * theta + y * (1 - theta^2 /2 )

The trick is to choose theta to be a (negative) power of 2.  Then
you can do the multiplications by shifting.  [In C code]

	l2theta = ...	/* some small integer (eg 5) */
	sgn = ...	/* 1 or -1 */
	other = 1+2*l2theta;
	xnew = x - (x>>other) - sgn * (y>>l2theta);
	ynew = sgn * (x>>l2theta) + y - (y>>other);

You can do rotation through larger angles as a product of these small
rotations and maybe doing the obvious for things like pi/4 etc.
	Ross Ihaka

ritter@versatc.VERSATEC.COM (Jack Ritter) (10/12/89)

In article <6734@hubcap.clemson.edu>, bo@hubcap.clemson.edu (Bo Slaughter) writes:
> I have written a program in Turbo Pascal to take a simple line drawing
> using the simple formula (and variations thereof):
>   X'=X*cos(THETA)-Y*sin(THETA)
>   Y'=X*sin(THETA)+Y*cos(THETA) 
> My problem is that this is extremely slow for any medium sized drawing
> (32 points took over a second).  Does anyone know of, or have, an
> algorithm that could do the same calculations, without all the mucking
> about with slow foating point calculations (No, I don't have a math
> coprocessor).
If you want to rotate pts by a variety of angles,
then you can Table-It-To-Death:

	Do calculations in FIRST quadrant. Pick a gradation
	of thetas, let's say 90 (eg, can rotate any # of degrees).

	Then you generate (at COMPILE time) a table of
	16 bit integer values, of the form: sin*SCALE.
	 For 16 bit values, SCALE should be 16384 (2**14).

	 table[i] would be set to: sin(i*RADFAC) * 16384
			for (i=0; i<90; i++).

		(RADFAC converts from degrees to radians).
	table[90] must be 16384. This means table[] has 91 entries.

	 To rotate (x,y) by th degrees, compute the 4 values
	x*cos, y*cos, x*sin, y*sin by this technique:

	coord*sin(th) = coord*table[th] >> 14
	coord*cos(th) = coord*table[90-th] >> 14

Then do the adds/subs. The "table[th]*coord"
should be an INTEGER multiply, creating a 32 bit
number, which will be shifted back down to 16 bits by the >>.
(On an 8 bit machine, use 2**7).
This transformation uses NO floating pt arith.

This is for angles of 0-90 degrees. The other 3 quadrants
can be calculated with the same table[] by using reflection
and/or transposition (which are well known).

If you sucessively accumulate theta, you need to WRAP AROUND
from 360 degrees -> 0. If you use 128 gradations instead
of 90, wrap-around is very simple: 
			new_theta &= 511. 
	This works for + OR - delta_thetas.
	      ->  B O Y C O T T    E X X O N    <-
   Jack Ritter, S/W Eng. Versatec, 2710 Walsh Av, Santa Clara, CA 95051
   Mail Stop 1-7.  (408)982-4332, or (408)988-2800 X 5743
   UUCP:  {ames,apple,sun,pyramid}!versatc!ritter

miller@cam.nist.gov (Bruce Miller) (10/12/89)

In article <15026@bloom-beacon.MIT.EDU>, ihaka@diamond.tmc.edu (Ross Ihaka) writes:
> In article <6734@hubcap.clemson.edu> bo@hubcap.clemson.edu (Bo Slaughter) writes:
> |I have written a program in Turbo Pascal to take a simple line drawing
> |and rotate in any of the 3 demensions. ...
> |using the simple formula (and variations thereof):
> |  X'=X*cos(THETA)-Y*sin(THETA)
> |  Y'=X*sin(THETA)+Y*cos(THETA) 
> |
> |My problem is that this is extremely slow for any medium sized drawing
> Here is a trick you can use to get fast rotations when the angle is small.
> Approximation for sin(theta) and cos(theta)
> 	sin(theta) ~ theta
> 	cos(theta) ~ 1 - theta^2 / 2
>       ...
> 	xnew = x - (x>>other) - sgn * (y>>l2theta);
> 	ynew = sgn * (x>>l2theta) + y - (y>>other);
> 	Ross Ihaka
Forgive me if I'm on the wrong track; no insult intended.  If you are
calling sine & cosine for *each* point you transform, that is where your 
problem is.  The rotation angles, and hence the sines & cosines of them, 
are the same for all the points you want to transform, so you should just
compute them once and use them many times. On the other hand, if you *have* 
saved the trig values then your only savings by using the suggested algorithm 
is that you halve the number of multiplications. But repeating the process
for non-infinitesimal angles is likely to eat into the savings, [never mind 
the fact that repeated applications is actually a spiral and not a rotation...
well formally, anyway :)]  So, i dont think you gain much for this application,
for others definitely. Why dont you go a step further and look up homogeneous
transformations in most graphics texts; they are a bit tedious to construct
initially, but you can combine all the rotations, translations & scale into

brown@ncratl.Atlanta.NCR.COM (Kyle Brown) (10/12/89)

Another trick that you may try (I've done this myself often for animation)
is to pre-calculate the values of sine and consine for some set of thetas
and do a table lookup when you do your rotation.  This may or may not
work, depending on what you're doing.

While I have everyone's attention - Does anyone have C code or an      
algorithm to generate a fractal image called a Koch snowflake?  I've
been trying to hack one out myself but my geometry is not up to it.

"Earth - Mostly Harmless." 
The Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy	brown@ncratl.atlanta.ncr.com

brian@hpfcdj.HP.COM (Brian Rauchfuss) (10/12/89)

What you can do is come up with a table of sines and cosines (remembering that
sin(x)=cos(x+90), so only one table is required)  and then use linear 
interpolation between table entries to get exact values.  This eliminates
the slow sin and cos functions, but still uses some floating point.

Brian Rauchfuss

Kenneth.Maier@p3.f11.n369.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Kenneth Maier) (10/14/89)

In an article of <12 Oct 89 12:46:25 GMT>, brown@ncratl.Atlanta.NCR.COM (Kyle Brown) writes:

 >While I have everyone's attention - Does anyone have C code or an      
 >algorithm to generate a fractal image called a Koch snowflake?  I've
 >been trying to hack one out myself but my geometry is not up to it.

   I would recommend _The_Science_of_Fractal_Images_  or another book called  _FRACTAL_Programming_in_C_ -- both of these tell you how to do what you want.  The first book provides general algorithms for fractal related topics including the Koch snowflake.  The second book actually contains source that can run on PC's for most of the stuff mentioned in The Science of Fractal Images.  Here is a little more info on the above books:
     The Science of Fractal Images, by Heinz-Otto Peitgen and Dietmar Saupe
               ISBN 0-387-96608-0
               ISBN 3-540-96608-0

     FRACTAL Programming in C, by Roger T. Stevens
               ISBN 1-55851-037-0

Hope this helps!

Kenneth Maier via FidoNet node 1:369/11
UUCP: {attctc,<internet>!mthvax}!ankh,novavax!branch!11.3!Kenneth.Maier

mark.williston@canremote.uucp (MARK WILLISTON) (10/16/89)

  I do not program in pascal at all, sorry, but I have dabbled a bit in
  3d with Turbo C. It should be easy to transform what I have done into
  pascal. This idea was inspired after reading the book:

  Microcomputer Displays, Graphics & Animation
  by Bruce A. Artwick    ISBN 0-13-580226-1 01

  Very well writen, having many ideas in the graphics area. What I have
  done with this tidbit of code is rotate objects in 3-D with out using
  any floating points at all. building the shiftwise table uses floats
  but this matrix can be hardwired into the program.

  Code will follow in next message. Let me know how you make out!

Mark Williston
 * QDeLuxe 1.10 #3694  <\/>ark </\>illiston - Author of 2-Bit Poker [EGA]

mark.williston@canremote.uucp (MARK WILLISTON) (10/16/89)

int x, y, z, xa, ya, za, angle;
double d, r, convert=3.141593/180;
int Sin[360], Cos[360];

void rot(void)
	int t;
  t = ((Cos[xa]*x)>>8)-((Sin[xa]*z)>>8); /* Rotate around the X Axis */
  z = ((Sin[xa]*x)>>8)+((Cos[xa]*z)>>8);
  x = t;
  t = ((Cos[ya]*y)>>8)+((Sin[ya]*z)>>8); /* Rotate around the Y Axis */
  z =-((Sin[ya]*y)>>8)+((Cos[ya]*z)>>8);
	y	=  t;
  t = ((Cos[za]*x)>>8)+((Sin[za]*y)>>8); /* Rotate around the Z Axis */
  y =-((Sin[za]*x)>>8)+((Cos[za]*y)>>8);
  x = t;

void main(void)
	Call_Set_Vid_Mode( Your_Mode );
  for(angle=0; angle<360; angle++)  /* table of shiftwise degs */

		x=xval;            /* fill x from somewhere! */
		y=yval;            /* fill y from somewhere! */
		z=zval;            /* fill z from somewhere! */
					With this pseudodegree method, x, y and z
					must not overflow	the integer. This works
					well with small numbers.  Using long ints
					would give a larger capacity.
		rot();  /* rotate them */
		x+=screen_centre;  /* bring the point into view */
		y+=screen_centre;  /* bring the point into view */

Mark Williston
 * QDeLuxe 1.10 #3694  <\/>ark </\>illiston - Author of 2-Bit Poker [EGA]