drv@eisx.UUCP (Dennis Vogel) (09/21/84)
Regarding arizona!jorge's request for Wok recipes: I recently bought a Wok and looked around for a decent cookbook. I found the Better Homes and Gardens "Cooking Chinese" to be pretty good for a beginner. Some of the things I liked as I browsed through it in the bookstore were that it had recipes for some of my favorite Chinese restaurant dishes such as dumplings, Moo Shu Pork, Hot and Sour soup and others. It also has a "recipe"called Mix-and-match stir fry. This decidedly non-Chinese sounding recipe is actual many recipes in one. It gives you a procedure to follow and you vary the ingredients to suit your taste, sense of adventure, whatever. I've had fun with it. The book also gives advice on what kind of vegetables to use, how to prepare them, spices used in Chinese cooking and techniques for enhancing your efforts. At $6.95 it seems like a good place to start. Check it out. Dennis Vogel--AT&T Information Systems--S. Plainfield, NJ