[comp.graphics] NTSC bandwidth and gamma correction

dave@imax.com (Dave Martindale) (11/20/89)

In article <10135@ucsd.Edu> brian@ucsd.edu (Brian Kantor) writes:
>Recall that the broadcast NTSC luminance bandwidth is about 4.2 MHz,
>I is 1.5 MHz, and Q is .5 MHz, so it's not necessary to store lots of
>color information if you're dealing with NTSC in and out.
>A back-of-the-envelope calculation (divide the bandwidth by the
>horizontal scan frequency) will give you 267 pixels per line luminance,
>95 I, and 31 Q: a rough indication that these pixel numbers are
>probably about right - you lose just a bit of luminance, and you're
>actually storing the chroma at slightly more resolution than needed.
>(Don't forget Dr. Nyquist: sample at twice the max frequency.)

I assume that you mean 267 *cycles*/line, which is 534 *pixels*/line?

But you don't need to store pixels for the horizontal
blanking interval - each scan line has 52.656 microseconds of
picture and 10.9 microseconds of picture.  So, for a 4.2 MHz
bandwidth, you need to sample at 8.4 MHz, which is 119 ns/sample.
That gives 442 pixels/scanline minimum, so 512 isn't a bad
choice at all.  The same calculation gives 158 pixels for I
and 53 for Q.

>Note that to save money, most television receivers do NOT directly
>demodulate I and Q; instead a 33 degree shift of the chroma carrier
>phase is used to demodulate R-Y, G-Y, and B-Y, with a reasonably good
>approximation of the original RGB camera signal resulting.

More precisely: to *properly* decode the chrominance signal,
the receiver should demodulate along the I and Q axes, then
use separate filters to band-limit I and Q to 1.5 MHz and 500 KHz,
then use a delay line to compensate for the difference in delay
between the two filters, then "rotate the coordinate system"
from I/Q back to R-Y/B-Y using amplifiers and a few resistors.

Instead, almost every consumer receiver in existence filters
the whole chrominance signal to 500 KHz, then demodulates
along the R-Y and B-Y directions directly.  No delay line,
only one filter instead of two, no inverting amplifier or
resistor matrix - but 2/3 of the detail in the I signal has
been discarded.

Most consumer receivers also don't actually decode R-Y and B-Y at
90 degrees to each other.  They use a wider angle, so that colour
shifts due to poor transmission conditions cause less change in
"flesh tones" in the picture - but at the cost of altering almost
all colours in the picture, all the time.

In article <1192@radius.UUCP> pierce@radius.UUCP writes:

> There are additional problems with NTSC as well but I'm not sure I
> want to go in to them. Heres a fun fact, though: Broadcast NTSC is
> specced for a gamma of 2.2 and most TVs have a gamma of 2.8.

This is deliberate.  The idea is that the picture you see on the
receiver has a gamma of 2.8/2.2 = 1.27 compared to the original
scene.  Subjective tests indicated that this artificially-high
contrast was necessary to make the picture look subjectively "normal"
when viewed in a room with dim lighting.

For comparison, photographic transparencies (slides) and motion
picture films are designed to have a gamma of about 1.5 to look "normal"
in a very dark room.

This has interesting implications for people who are doing "gamma
correction" for film recorders - what is the value of gamma you
should "correct" for?  Depends on the application.
