hiebeler@csv.rpi.edu (David Hiebeler) (09/01/87)
References: Keywords:fractals No, this isn't about the M-set movies mentioned recently. What I am seeking is a list of interesting places in the Mandelbrot set to magnify. I have over a dozen or so, mostly from Peitgen's & Richter's book, but I am looking for more. So, anyone find anything great, or know of any places that has this info? I am also interested in good locations for Julia curves. E-mail preferably, I'll post a summary if there's a summary worth posting. Thanks -D.H. ---- David Hiebeler hiebeler@csv.rpi.edu Chatham, NY "Illusions, Richard! Every (also Troy, NY) bit of it illusions!"
jge@unc.cs.unc.edu (John Eyles) (09/03/87)
In article <31@rpicsb8>, hiebeler@csv.rpi.edu (David Hiebeler) writes: > What I am seeking is a list of interesting places in the > Mandelbrot set to magnify. We have an experimental graphics machine here at the University of North Carolina (Pixel-Planes) which allows you to walk around the Mandelbrot set (and Julia set) in real-time under joystick control. If you're ever in Chapel Hill, come by and have a look.
afoiani@nmsu.EDU (Anthony Foiani) (11/26/89)
I saw the program FRACTINT mentioned a few articles back. This is an excellent program for the IBM PC-types. The Mandelbrot implementation it uses is the familiar iterate-until-magnitude-greater-than-2 algorithm, but it is implemented in 16- and 32-bit fixed-point(?) and/or integer math. thus, when running it on a 286 or 386, it can do a full 360x480x1024iter Mandelbrot in about 30 seconds. [well, that's on a 386SX @16.7MHz] but that is still pretty fast. they did the same thing to their julia set [even faster than the MB set!], and to their newton-solution technique. they still have a floating-point implementation of julia and MB sets built into the program, for the sole purpose of: "If you feel the need to reminisce about the days when men were men, computers were computers, and fractals took forever to generate." sigh. this program also includes lambda sets, lambda-sine, newton, newton-basin-of-attraction, and 'plasma' clouds. in addition, it supports a large amount of video modes, cycles colors, can save any picture do disk, and can map any saved picture onto a sphere or do other nifty 3d projections. the C source code is avalable, but i think it is currently being distributed over Compu$erve... i haven't looked that hard tho. happy hacking, -- tony foiani (afoiani@nmsu.edu) "And remember...don't lose your a.k.a. Tkil (mcsajf@nmsuvm1.bitnet) head..." -Ramirez, HIGHLANDER
msschaa@cs.vu.nl (Schaap MS) (11/28/89)
In article <AFOIANI.89Nov25202207@dante.nmsu.EDU> afoiani@nmsu.EDU (Anthony Foiani) writes: > >I saw the program FRACTINT mentioned a few articles back. This is an >excellent program for the IBM PC-types. The Mandelbrot implementation >it uses is the familiar iterate-until-magnitude-greater-than-2 >algorithm, but it is implemented in 16- and 32-bit fixed-point(?) >and/or integer math. thus, when running it on a 286 or 386, it can do >a full 360x480x1024iter Mandelbrot in about 30 seconds. [well, that's >on a 386SX @16.7MHz] The binaries and the source of FractInt v. 10.0 are available on Simtel in PD:<MSDOS.GRAPHICS> as FRAINT10.ARC (the binaries) and FRASRC10.ARC (I believe, the source) Michael Schaap MSSCHAA@CS.VU.NL
davidsen@crdos1.crd.ge.COM (Wm E Davidsen Jr) (11/28/89)
In article <4637@draak.cs.vu.nl> msschaa@cs.vu.nl (Schaap MS) writes: | In article <AFOIANI.89Nov25202207@dante.nmsu.EDU> afoiani@nmsu.EDU (Anthony Foiani) writes: | > | >I saw the program FRACTINT mentioned a few articles back. This is an | >excellent program for the IBM PC-types. The Mandelbrot implementation | >it uses is the familiar iterate-until-magnitude-greater-than-2 | >algorithm, but it is implemented in 16- and 32-bit fixed-point(?) | >and/or integer math. Yes, fixed point. Note that when the constants in this program are non-zero, the results are not the same as the older versions (or any other program I've seen). To see this use the 't' command, select type 'mandel' and set Z0=.3 and Z1=.5 with any version previous to 10.0 and with 10.0. I have sent Email to several of the authors, but haven't gotten a reply yet. -- bill davidsen (davidsen@crdos1.crd.GE.COM -or- uunet!crdgw1!crdos1!davidsen) "The world is filled with fools. They blindly follow their so-called 'reason' in the face of the church and common sense. Any fool can see that the world is flat!" - anon