(Rick Beach SIGGRAPH Editor-in-Chief) (12/14/89)
ACM SIGGRAPH is accepting nominations for the Computer Graphics Achievement Award. Nominations are due by January 9, 1990 and should include: 1) Name of the individual(s) being nominated (address and/or phone number would also be appreciated) 2) A description of the accomplishment(s) to be considered by the selection committee with any supporting documentation that is available 3) A statement by the nominator describing the significance of the accomplishment(s) 4) Nominator's name, address and telephone number. The Computer Graphics Achievement Award will be presented at SIGGRAPH '90 in Dallas. Send nominations to: Bertram Herzog, chair, ACM SIGGRAPH awards committee, CITI, 2901 Hubbard Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105 (313)998-7479 <>