[comp.graphics] Sutherland-Hodgman poly clipping

shivers@cs.cmu.edu (Olin Shivers) (02/13/90)

Here's an implementation I wrote in T in 1983. It's a fairly simple
little algorithm. For clarity, I removed all the floating point
declarations that made it go fast. This code uses a fair amount of macro
support for my Scheme ideolect: I use the UCI Lisp FOR macro, ? is CONS,
and so forth. But it should be reasonably clear.

My bogus mailer fired this message off earlier in mid-post. Please ignore
the earlier message.
(herald planeint (env t (graphics points) (tlib hacks) (tutil for)))
;(require hacks  (tlib hacks))
;(require points (graphics points))
;;; This file contains functions for doing operations on points and
;;; planes.

;;; plane-sign tells which side of a plane the point is on. It is negative
;;; if the pt is on the negative side, 0 if it is in the plane, and positive
;;; if the pt is on the positive side.
(define-integrable (plane-sign plane pt)
  (+ (plane:d plane) (dot-prod plane pt)))

;;; crosses-plane? returns true <==> pt0 and pt1 are on opposite sides of
;;; the plane. (minus? (* (plane-sign plane pt0) (plane-sign plane pt1)))
(define (crosses-plane? plane pt0 pt1)
   (> 0.0 (* (plane-sign plane pt0) (plane-sign plane pt1))))

;;; plane-intersect gives the point which is the intersection of plane and
;;; the line running through pt0 and pt1. If the plane is (P; d) and
;;; the points are A and B, the intersection parameter s is
;;;      P.A - d
;;; s =  -------
;;;      P.(A-B)

(define (plane-intersect plane pt0 pt1)
  (let ((delta (pt- pt1 pt0)))
    (if (pt-zero? delta)
        (error "plane-intersect: degenerate line segment (~s,~s)~%" pt0 pt1)
        (let ((denom (- 0.0 (dot-prod plane delta))))
	  (if (= 0.0 denom)
	      (error "plane-intersect: line (~s,~s) is parallel to plane ~s~%"
		     pt0 pt1 plane)
	      (let ((s (/ (- (dot-prod plane pt0) (plane:d plane)) denom)))
	        (pt+ pt0 (pt* delta s))))))))

;;; gen-polygon-clipper takes a plane and a continuation as args. It
;;; returns a closure that, when called on successive points in a polygon,
;;; clips them against the plane and sends them on to the continuation.
;;; The polygon is terminated by calling the clipper on T or NIL. If
;;; the closure is called on T, the polygon is closed, i.e. the previous
;;; point is connected to the first point of the polygon. Note that the
;;; T/NIL value is passed along also, in case the continuation is another 
;;; splitting or clipping stage.

(define (gen-polygon-clipper plane cont)
  (let ((first-pt nil) (pt0 nil))

    (lambda (x)
      (? ((eq? x t) ;x=t means time to close the polygon
	   (if (and first-pt (crosses-plane? plane pt0 first-pt))
	       (cont (plane-intersect plane pt0 first-pt)))
	   (set first-pt nil)
	   (cont t)) ;pass along the close signal

	 (x ;x is the next point in the polygon
	  (if (not first-pt) (set first-pt x)
	      (if (crosses-plane? plane pt0 x)              ;edge crosses ==>
		  (cont (plane-intersect plane x pt0))))    ;output intersection
	  (set pt0 x)
	  (if (<= 0.0 (plane-sign plane pt0)) (cont pt0)))

	 (t ;null x means the stream is done, but do not close back to first-pt
	  (set first-pt nil)
	  (cont nil) ;pass along the close signal

(define (gen-polygon-splitter plane cont1 cont2)
  (let ((first-pt nil) (pt0 nil))
    (lambda (x)
      (? ((eq? x t) ;x=t means time to close the split polys
	  (if (crosses-plane? plane pt0 first-pt)
	    (let ((i (plane-intersect plane pt0 first)))
	      (cont1 i)
	      (cont2 i)))
	  (set first-pt nil)
	  (cont1 t)             ;pass along the close signal
	  (cont2 t))

	  (if (null? first-pt) (set first-pt x)
	      (if (crosses-plane? plane pt0 x)
	      	  (let ((i (plane-intersect plane pt0 x)))
		    (cont1 i)
		    (cont2 i))))
	  (set pt0 x)
	  (let ((s (plane-sign plane pt0)))
	    (if (<= 0.0 s) (cont1 pt0))
	    (if (>= 0.0 s) (cont2 pt0))))

	 (t ;null x means the stream is done, but do not close back to first-pt
	  (set first-pt nil)
	  (cont1 nil)           ;pass along the done signal
	  (cont2 nil)

(define (clip-polygon polygon plane)
  (let ((pts (disclose-pts polygon))
	(newpts nil))
    (let ((clipper (gen-polygon-clipper plane (lambda (x) (push newpts x)))))
      ;;feed the points to the polygon clipper
      (for (x in pts)
	   (do (clipper x)))
      ;;close the polygon
      (clipper t)
      ;;return the polygon whose points are newpts
      (polygon:new (reverse! (cdr newpts))))))

sean@ms.uky.edu (Sean Casey) (02/13/90)

shivers@cs.cmu.edu (Olin Shivers) writes:

|Here's an implementation I wrote in T in 1983. It's a fairly simple
|little algorithm.

I'm really bad at counting parenthesis :-).

Wanna tell me what that would look like in pascal or C?

***  Sean Casey          sean@ms.uky.edu, sean@ukma.bitnet, ukma!sean
***  "May I take this opportunity of emphasizing that there is no cannibalism
***  in the British Navy. Absolutely none, and when I say none, I mean there
***  is a certain amount, more than we are prepared to admit." -MP