[comp.graphics] I need some help with a graphics problem .

c60a-1gt@web-2h.berkeley.edu (Hurley Braden) (02/27/90)

(eat me)

	Hello out there in Netland.  I have a question (or several) for
you.  I have been trying to make a fast 3d graphics program for animation.
I have been keeping it simple, one sided polygons (backface removal) that
are all triangles, which are used to build objects.  Up to here I am fine.
Now comes the trouble. 

	I have been doing minmax sorting for my polygons, which is great
as long as they are not near each other, but I can't even get it to work
correctly when they are near each other.  I would also like to know if
it's possible to do quick object sorting.  In other words sort the polygons
of an object,  and then prioritizing the objects.
The other thing is I would like to know is whatever speed tricks you could
give me to make this thing fly.  Also, am I doing the right thing (for speed)
by depth sorting the polygons ( I am not sure of total polygons I would 
assume less than one hundred ).  


(help, as you can see by my English I need it.)

These opinions are those of my company.  But you don't have a company.
Oh well, then these opinions are those of my friends.  But you don't have
any friends.  Oh right.  These opinions are those of my enemies.  But they
wouldn't be enemies if they had your opinions.  Well DAMNIT could someone
please tell me whose opinions these are ?