[comp.graphics] Announcement of Professor in Computer Graphisc and Visualization, SWEDEN

bokg@cs.umu.se (Bo K}gstr|m) (03/02/90)

Hello there,
I would very much appreciate if you could make this announcement known 
to as many people as possible (via email, newsletter, etc).
If you are interested to apply for the position ot for a visiting 
position so do not hesitate to contact me!

Dead-line is March 31, 1990.

Regards, Bo Kagstrom
For full address (including email) see the announcement!

Announcement of SWEDEN's first chair as professor in

Computer Graphics and Visualization in Scientific Computing 

at University of Umea in Sweden
Umea university is a young university that lies at the mouth of the 
river Ume, equidistant from both the capital, Stockholm, and Sweden+s 
most northerly town Kiruna. Today the campus has some 3 000 employees 
and 11 000 students. The university has achieved prominence in many 
fields, of which bio-technology, environmental ecology and information 
technology are some of those in which now intensive activity is taking 

Expertise in the field of information technology in its broadest sense 
is rapidily growing and in certain areas such as Scientific computing 
great progress has already been made, and international collaboration 
established, primarily with European and American researchers. 
A couple of years ago a special action program for Information technology 
- Scientific Computing was established at the faculty of Mathematical 
and Natural Sciences. The program aims towards development of advanced 
methods, algorithms and software in Scientific computing for different 
parallel computer architectures.

The university is together with the Technical University of Lulea, 
the Institute of Space Physics i Kiruna and the Industrial Development 
Center in Skelleftea, founder of Supercomputer Center North (SDCN). 
SDCN is one of two national centers for supercomputing in Sweden and 
is connected to all swedish universities through the Swedish University 
Network (SUNET). Thereby scientists have access to an IBM 3090-600 E/VF, 
placed in Skelleftea, soon to be upgraded to a 600 S-model.

At the university we have a distributed-memory multiprocessor-system 
Intel iPSC/2 hypercube with 64 nodes of which 16 nodes have a vector
facility and are about to aquire a shared-memory multiprocessor-system 
with both high-performance  computing power and advanced graphic 
facilities for visualization.

Due to the partnership in SDCN  Sweden+s first chair as professor in 
Computer Graphics and Visualization in Scientific Computing is now 
established at the university. 

The field is very wide and interdisciplinary to its nature and candidates
for the chair can have different scientific profiles ranging from
research in tools and methods for Computer Graphics and Visualization 
in Scientific Computing to graphics computing and visualization in 
Scientific Computing with an emphasis on applications from biology, 
biotechnology, chemistry, physics and medicine.  
At the university we have applications/possible applications in for 
instance biotechnology - molecular biology, chemometry, environmental 
chemistry, geographical information systems, industrial design, 
medicine, physical chemistry, psychology, theoretical physics and 
space physics.

The professorship is placed at the department of Computing Science.
At the department there are professors in numerical analysis, computer 
science, and numerical analysis and parallel computing. 
Since a couple of years there has been an intense development of knowledge
in the fields of parallel computing and environments and tools for 
parallel computer architectures. 

The university now announces a professorship in Computer Graphics and 
Visualization in Scientific Computing as vacant, reference number 
DNR 321-189-90. Notice that the reference number must be mentioned on
the application.

To get started in the field as soon as possible the position can also be
a visiting professorship.
Send the application to University of Umea, S-901 87, Sweden before
the 30th of March 1990. Enclosed to the application should be curriculum 
vitae, short summary of scientific and educational work, and publications
and ev interest of a visiting professorship. Everything in 4 copies!!

Questions will be answered by Professor Bo Kagstrom, Dept of Computing 
Science, Umea University, S-901 87 Umea, phone +46-9016 54 19, 
email bokg@biovax.umdc.umu.se (or na.kagstrom@na-net.stanford.edu) 
or by Project coordinator Torbjorn Johansson, Supercomputer Center North,
Umea University, S-901 87 Umea, phone +46-9016 65 85, email 