[net.cooks] posting recipes from books

ellen@ucla-cs.UUCP (12/05/84)

[so eat it! just eat it!]

i won't argue about the legalities of posting recipes.

personally, i think posting a few recipes from a cookbook is more of
a "promotion" of the book, and probably acts as a "teaser" a la:
``you think these two are good, just wait `til you cook the other 150
recipes, look at the beautiful photographs of ingredients and prepared
foods, and study the detailed explanations of arcane cuisinal techniques''

plus i have more than a few delicious recipes which are in books in Swedish,
German, French, Indonesian, and Thai.  I can't speak all those languages,
but i CAN translate the recipes.  international copyright laws cover these
books, too.  but are all of us fortunate or perseverant enough to buy/own/
read/translate all of the above or others i don't have?

because of the posting of the Mediaeval recipes, and there were MANY,
i popped for the book (or one very similar, i didn't check the title).
i was inspired!

thanks!  and i'll post some from books i have - just saying that 
such-and-such a book is good does not give any basis for comparison.
if your local store doesn't have it, there's no way to know if you
really want it, if you haven't read it or tried a few recipes, so how
do you know if you really want to special order it?
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ecl@ahuta.UUCP (e.leeper) (12/07/84)

REFERENCES:  <2595@ucla-cs.ARPA>

And don't forget that copyright laws allow the quoting of passages from a book
within a review.  I think the limit is about 200 words--and many recipes are
under that limit.

					Evelyn C. Leeper
==> Note new net address:		...ihnp4!ahuta!ecl
(Mail sent to my old address will be forwarded temporarily.)

thomas@utah-gr.UUCP (Spencer W. Thomas) (12/07/84)

Most cookbooks have a statement (in the copyright notice) that one may
reproduce one or two recipes as part of a REVIEW of the cookbook.

	({ihnp4,decvax}!utah-cs!thomas, thomas@utah-cs.ARPA)
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