ritter@versatc.versatec.COM (Jack Ritter) (04/12/90)
I have a surface I want to plot. It's of the form: z = f(x,y). I believe this a also known as a "height field". Can someone point me to PD software that plots a surface? Ideally, the output interface would be a vector oriented "move to" / "draw to" scheme. I'll supply the driver. It would be nice if I could also define the look-point and up-point. -- Versatec, Inc. Jack Ritter, M.S. 1-7 2710 Walsh Ave. P.O. Box 58091 Santa Clara, CA 95052-8091 (408)982-4332, or (408)988-2800 X 5743 UUCP: {ames,apple,sun,pyramid}!versatc!ritter --( / __ - .. (( / / / -- ) . \ \ // . ( / ** ) // _*_ // * .. ) (( . \ / . * ) //