(Stephen MacKay) (05/11/90)
Graphics Interface '90 May 14-18, 1990 Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada This is the preliminary program for the technical sessions at Graphics Interface '90, held in conjunction with Vision Interface '90. To get your registration kit or more information, send a message to e-mail address: including your full postal address in the message. TUTORIALS: Monday May 14, 1990 Tutorial 1: (one day) Computer Vision Systems Tutorial 2: (one day) Introduction to 3-D Computer Graphics Tutorial 3: (two days) Fundamentals of Design for Electronic Publishing Tuesday May 15, 1990 Tutorial 4: (one day) Image Motion: Measurement and Interpretation Tutorial 5: (half day - morning) Device Independent Graphics Interfaces and Window Systems Tutorial 6: (half day - afternoon) Computer Graphics for the Human User Tutorial 7: (one day) Computer Graphics for Science Teachers TECHNICAL PROGRAM: Wednesday May 16, 1990 0845 Welcome Colin Ware 0900 Technical Session I ALGORITHMS An Adaptive Subdivision Algorithm for Crack Prevention in the Display of Parametric Surfaces David R. Forsey, U. Waterloo and R. Victor Klassen, Webster Research Center, Xerox Corp. Real-Time Hidden-Line Elimination for a Rotating Polyhedral Scene Using Aspect Representation Harry Plantinga, U. Pittsburgh, Charles R. Dyer and Brent Seales, U. Wisconsin-Madison Image and Intervisibility Coherence in Rendering Joe Marks, Robert Walsh, Jon Christensen and Mark Friedell, Harvard U. Coloured Noise Inversion in Digital Halftoning Robert Geist and Robert Reynolds, Clemson U. 1040 Nutrition Break 1110 Invited Speaker David Nagel Director of User Technologies, Advanced Technology Group, Apple Corporation Evolution of User Interfaces in Multi-media 1210 Lunch Break 1340 Technical Session II ANIMATION Issues in the Automated Generation of Animated Presentations Peter Karp and Steven Feiner, Columbia U. Towards Generalised Motion Dynamics for Animation Charles Herr and Brian Wyvill, U. Calgary A Framework for Goal-Directed Human Animation with Secondary Movement Claudia L. Morawetz and Tom W. Calvert, Simon Fraser U. 1455 Nutrition Break 1525 Technical Session III RENDERING & RAY TRACING Robust Ray Intersection with Interval Arithmetic Don P. Mitchell, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill Approximate Ray Tracing David E. Dauenhauer and Sudhanshu K. Semwal, U. Colorado at Colorado Springs Octant Priority for Radiosity Image Rendering Yigong Wang and Wayne A. Davis, U. Alberta Imprecise Computation and Adaptive Load Sharing in Computer Generated Imaging Systems Marc Berger and Wei Zhao, U. Adelaide 1705 Adjourn Thursday May 17, 1990 0845 Technical Session IV USER INTERFACE Understanding Visual Effects in a Windowed Environment F. K. T. Sun, W. B. Cowan and K. S. Booth, U. Waterloo CTS: An Interactive Technique for Manipulating Structured Text A. Michael Burbidge and Dan R. Olsen, Brigham Young U. A Taxonomy of Uses of Interaction History Alison Lee, U. Toronto The Datapaper: Living in the Virtual World Mark Green and Chris Shaw, U. Alberta 1025 Nutrition Break 1055 Presentation CMCCS Award for Distinguished Service in Computer Graphics 1110 Award Winner's Invited Lecture Marceli Wein National Research Council Twenty-four Years of Computer Graphics in Canada 1210 Lunch Break 1340 Technical Session V INTERACTIVE SYSTEMS SCULPT: An Interactive Solid Modelling Tool Bruce Naylor, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill The concept and design of a virtual laboratory Lynn Mercer, Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz and James Hanan, U. Regina A Prototype System for Design Automation via the Browsing Paradigm Sandeep Kochhar, Harvard U. 1445 Nutrition Break 1525 Technical Session VI DATA STRUCTURES & ALGORITHMS Toward Reliable Polygon Set Operations Mark Friedell and Sandeep Kochhar, Harvard U. Shaded Rendering and Shadow Computation for Polyhedral Animation W. Brent Seales and Charles R. Dyer, U. Wisconsin-Madison Using Convex Differences in Hierarchical Representations of Polygonal Maps Ari Rappoport, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem Constructing Orientation Adaptive Quadtrees Bradford G. Nickerson and Sri Hartati, U. New Brunswick 1705 Adjourn Friday, May 18, 1990 0845 Technical Session VII RAY TRACING Exploiting Temporal Coherence in Ray Tracing J. Chapman, T. W. Calvert and J. Dill, Simon Fraser U. A Ray Tracing Method for Illumination Calculation in Diffuse-Specular Scenes Peter Shirley, U. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Voxel Occlusion Testing: A Shadow Determination Accelerator for Ray Tracing Andrew Woo and John Amanatides, U. Toronto Some Regularization Problems in Ray Tracing John Amanatides and Don Mitchell, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill 1025 Nutrition Break 1055 Technical Session VIII MODELLING Pruning Bezier Curves Phillip J. Barry, U. Minnesota; Tony D. DeRose, U. Washington and Ronald N. Goldman, U. Waterloo An Object Models Development Tool to Support Image Understanding System Ke Chen and Zhongrong Li, Harbin Institute of Technology, China Constrained, Grammar-Directed Generation of Landscapes Mark Friedell and Jean-Louis Schulmann, Harvard U. 1210 Lunch Break 1340 Invited Speaker Brian Barsky U. California at Berkeley An Intuitive Approach to Splines in Computer Graphics 1440 Nutrition Break 1510 Technical Session IX VISUALISATION Visualization of the development of cellular layers F. David Fracchia and Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz, U. Regina and Martin J. M. de Boer, U. Utrecht Nassi-Shneiderman Diagrams and Tabletalk Richard Gary Epstein, George Washington U. Definitive Interfaces as a Visualisation Mechanism Meurig Beynon, Yun Pui Yung, U. Warwick Visualizing the Execution of Multi-processor Real-Time Programs W. Scott Flinn and William Cowan, U. Waterloo 1650 Adjourn Conference Registration Conference only 5 days (Wed, Thurs, Fri) (Mon-Fri) Member registration 305 500 Non-member registration 345 575 Student Member 120 180 Student non-member 155 210 Tutorial Registration 1/2 Day 1 Day 2 Days Member 110 200 330 Non-member 125 230 385 Student Member 40 70 120 Student Non-member 50 90 162 Conference only registration includes: Technical sessions, Opening Reception, Electronic Theatre, Banquet, GI Proceedings, VI Proceedings, and Computer Exhibition Admission. 5 Day registration includes all of the above plus: 2 days of tutorials, tutorial notes, and Mon. and Tues. lunch. Member registration rates are applicable to members of CMCCS, CIPPRS and ACM SIGGRAPH. Attendees paying in American funds can deduct 10%. Registration fees are not refundable after April 23, 1990. Refunds processed before that date will be charged a $ 25 processing fee. Extra proceedings, Electronic Theatre tickets, Banquet tickets and Computer Exhibition tickets are available. Payment must be by cheque, money order, VISA, or Mastercard. For credit card payments include signature and expiration date. Registration must be accompanied by payment and sent to: GI / VI '90 Registration P.O. Box 1006 Dartmouth, Nova Scotia CANADA B2Y 4A2 Credit card payments may be FAXed to: 902-426-4266 ------------------------------ Name: Name for Tag: Affiliation for Tag: Mailing Address: Telephone: Email: Type of Registration: Society Membership (for discount): Fees: Tutorials Desired: Fees: Total Fees: