[comp.graphics] Visualization conference, call for papers...

anderson@osc.edu (Steve Anderson) (06/02/90)

 		       Announcement and Call for Papers

    February 24-March 1, 1991			1991 SPIE/SPSE Symposium
    San Jose Convention Center			 on Electronic Imaging
    San Jose, California			Science and Technology
    Abstracts Due: July 30, 1990


     Conference Chair:	Edward J. Farrell, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
     Cochairs: Joanna Alexander, David Sarnoff Research Center, H. Stephen
	       Anderson, Ohio Supercomputer Graphics Project, Robert
	       Dickinson, Visual Edge Software, Ltd., David Zeltzer, MIT
	       Media Laboratory

    Sophisticated computations and measurements frequently result in complex
    multidimensional data. To extract meaning from these data, the user has
    a wide range of technologies at his/her disposal. However, interpretation
    of complex data involves diverse disciplines, from data access and
    storage to image formation and interactive interpretation. This conference
    is a forum for engineers and scientists to broaden their technical
    knowledge and present their current work.  The focus will be on
    interactive data display and visual interpretation; methods and systems
    for day-to-day applications are of primary interest, not presentation
    graphics.  A key topic is the use of animation for visual data

    The following list of subjects indicates the conference orientation
    and is not intended to exclude relevant work:

	- Volumetric visualization of 3-D scalar fields, interpretation of
	  multiple variable data, methods for 3-D time series.
 	- Representation of vector fields, dynamic imaging and interaction.
	- Animation methods for data interpretation.
	- Visual thinking.
	- Interpretation of multidimensional, relational data.
	- Systems for animation and stereo data display.
	- Sound with images for data representation and interpretation.
	- Effective devices and display interface for interactive
	- Data display and interpretation aided by expert systems.
	- Applications illustrating novel interpretation methods.

    Conference papers will be published in a proceedings with color plates
    and with a video supplement to present animation results.  Prospective
    authors should submit four copies of a 300-400 word abstract and a
    brief professional biography by July 30. Final manuscripts are due
    January 28, 1991. If a video is contributed, it will be due March 22, 1991.

    Abstract, Application, Biography:
    By July 30, 1990, SPIE must receive:
	- 4 copies of the author application (available from SPIE)
	- 4 copies of a brief professional biography
	- 4 copies of a 200-300 word abstract, typed double-spaced on
	  8-1/2 x 11 paper.
    Please list on the abstract and on the author form the exact order
    of authors with the principal author first, followed by co-authors.
    Give complete affiliation, complete mailing address, and phone number
    for each author and co-author.

    Mail to:
	SPIE Technical Program Committee: EI '91
	P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA  98227-0010 USA
    	Telephone: (206) 676-3290 (Pacific time)
	Telex: 46-7053
	Telefax: (206) 647-1445
	OPTO-LINK: (206) 733-2998

    Oral Presentation:
    Each presenter is generally allowed 15-20 minutes for presentation,
    plus a brief discussion period (about five minutes). SPIE will
    provide the following media equipment free of charge: 35mm
    carousel slide projectors, overhead projectors, and electric
    pointers. (it doesn't say "video equipment", but they've had
    it the last several years)

    Author Benefits:
    Authors and Co-authors who attend the conference will be accorded
    a reduced-rate registration fee, a copy of the proceedings in which
    their papers appear, and other special benefits.


    For more information, contact the SPIE Technical Program Committee
    (address/phone above) or you can e-mail me at anderson@osgp.osc.edu

 H. Stephen Anderson			 | email: anderson@hobbes.osgp.osc.edu
 The Ohio Supercomputer Graphics Project | Phone: (614) 292-3274
 1224 Kinnear Road                       |
 Columbus, Ohio 43212                    |