[comp.graphics] Looking for a radio-tracer

koblas@tillamook.cs.uoregon.edu (David Koblas) (06/29/90)

It was mentioned to me that about a year ago there was a Radiosity
rendering program posted here, made available.

If there was I'm interested in hearing about it..  If you happend to
have one that you wouldn't mind me using I would be interested in it as

I am only looking for a radio-tracer as attempt to verify the results
that I've gotten from one that I've written myself (and I belive has a
bug or two).  Also, if someone happens to have a copy of the dataset
that generates that '"class" radiosity picture (the two cubes in the
box) I would also be interested in a copy of that.


name : David Koblas                          domain: koblas@cs.uoregon.edu
place: Nowhere, I'm just an AI batch job.    domain: koblas@mips.com
quote: "Time has little to do with infinity and jelly donuts."