mike@cs.keele.ac.uk (Michael A. Green) (07/01/90)
Hi, I have recently come across several papers on image processing which use the GM "Bin of Parts" image set (circa 1977) as their example images. Does anyone have more information on these images, ie where I can get them from / who I contact. Any information would be greatfully appreciated. My interest in this is that I have written an IP system, and would like to compare results, and these images seem to be widely used as test data. Thanks, Mike -- |Michael A. Green. |JANET: mike@uk.ac.keele.cs | |Department of Computer Science |BITNET: mike%cs.kl.ac.uk@ukacrl | |University of Keele, Keele, |ARPANET:mike%cs.kl.ac.uk@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk| |Staffordshire. ST5 5BG. U.K. |VOICE: +44 782 621111 ex. 3357/3347 |