[comp.graphics] Help with XLOADIMAGE

maoursler@miavx0.ham.muohio.edu (07/10/90)


	I need help.  I have downloaded a copy of XLOADIMAGE for VMS
	and am trying to run it on my VAXstation 3100 M38.  Problem is
	every time I try to display something I get the error message

		':Cannot open display'

	Why?  Is there something very basic that I have missed.  Other
	features seem to work fine.  It identifies my pictures just peachy,
	I just wish it would DISPLAY them.  Does anyone have a clue to help
	me.  Thanks in advance.

	Please post replies to this group or e-mail me at

				or	maoursler@miavx2.bitnet

	"I have a headache"

wells@tle.enet.dec.com (Richard A. Wells) (07/10/90)

$ set display/create/node=<your-node>

?  Do you have the source for the VMS version?  If so, look for the call to
XOpenDisplay and see if tries to redirect through some other logical name
(if the argument is "" (the null string) then it is trying to use DECW$DISPLAY,
the logical you should have set with SET DISPLAY).


Richard A. Wells               |
Digital Equipment Corporation  |  The above represents my opinions, not those
Nashua NH USA                  |        of my employer.  Obviously.
wells@tle.enet.dec.com         |