[comp.graphics] Computer Dreams

ckchee@dgp.toronto.edu (Chuan Chee) (07/17/90)

"Dream Machine: Volume 2 Computer Dreams" will be on TVO channel 19
(in Toronto area).  It will be aired under "Vista" Mon Jul 23 20:00.

This was an award-winning (can't remember which award) production.
It was made in 1988 and is 58 mins long.

I had an opportunity once to view the Laser Video version of it
with full digital sound and 28" monitor - it was excellent - much
better than via TV (TVO is mono).

I've heard that the some production company has made a Volume 3
and will be airing it some time soon (by Sept 90?).  Watch out
for it.

...Chuan Chee
   ckchee@dgp.toronto.edu (internet)
   ckchee@dgp.utoronto    (bitnet)