[comp.graphics] Fast Fourier Transform

lipman@fciads.bsd.uchicago.edu (Everett Lipman) (07/23/90)

I am looking for source code for a 2 dimensional Fast Fourier
Transform routine.  If anyone has one or knows where to get
one, please send me e-mail.  C is preferred, but any language
is fine.  Thanks.

		Everett Lipman (lipman@fciads.bsd.uchicago.edu)

3ksnn64@cadlab1.ecn.purdue.edu (Joe Cychosz) (07/27/90)

In article <1990Jul22.175529.8882@midway.uchicago.edu> lipman@fciads.bsd.uchicago.edu (Everett Lipman) writes:
>I am looking for source code for a 2 dimensional Fast Fourier
>Transform routine.  If anyone has one or knows where to get
>one, please send me e-mail.  C is preferred, but any language
>is fine.  Thanks.
>		Everett Lipman (lipman@fciads.bsd.uchicago.edu)

c     Perform two dimensional fast fourier transformation using
c     routines mfft and fft.
c	data = array npix X npix complex numbers
c       npix = size of image
c       powof2 = npix must be a power of 2
c     transform each column (i.e. along x)
CMIC$ PARALLEL SHARED (data,npix,powof2) 
      do 4 y = 1,npix
    4    call fft   (data(1,y),npix,powof2) 
c     transform each row (i.e. along y) 
      call mfft (data,npix,npix,powof2,cwork)

      subroutine fft (x,n,ln) 
c        ------------------------------------------------------------ 
c        fft - fast fourier transform.
c        this subroutines perfroms a fast fourier transform on a
c        complex vector x.
c        on entry:  
c           x      complex   an array containing the complex vector
c                            to be transformed.
c           n      integer   number of complex elements in the
c                            vector.  'n' must be a power of 2.
c           ln     integer   log base 2 of n.  (i.e. 2**ln = n)
c        origin: 
c        ------------------------------------------------------------ 
      complex x(n), u, w, t
      data pi /3.1415926535898/
      nv2 = n / 2
      nm1 = n - 1
c     perform a bit reversal permutation on the x array.
      j = 1
      do 3 i = 1,nm1
      if (i .ge. j) goto 1
      t = x(j)
      x(j) = x(i)
      x(i) = t
    1 k = nv2
    2 if (k .ge. j) goto 3
      j = j - k
      k = k / 2
      goto 2
    3 j = j + k
      do 5 l = 1,ln 
      le = 2**l
      le1 = le/2
      u = (1.0,0.0) 
      w = cmplx (cos (pi/le1),-sin (pi/le1))
      do 5 j = 1,le1
      do 4 i = j,n,le
      ip = i + le1
      t = x(ip) * u 
      x(ip) = x(i) - t
    4 x(i)  = x(i) + t
    5 u = u * w
      do 6 i = 1,n
    6 x(i) = x(i) / float(n)
      subroutine mfft (x,m,n,ln,t)
c        ------------------------------------------------------------ 
c        mfft - multiple fast fourier transform.
c        this subroutines perfroms multiple fast fourier transforms
c        on a complex array x.
c        on entry:  
c           x      complex   an array of dimensions m x n containing
c                            the complex vectors to be transformed.
c           m      integer   number of vectors to transform.
c                            'm' must not exceed 65535.
c           n      integer   number of complex elements in each
c                            vector.  'n' must be a power of 2.
c           ln     integer   log base 2 of n.  (i.e. 2**ln = n)
c           t      complex   a scratch array of size 'm'.
c        origin: 
c        ------------------------------------------------------------ 
      complex x(m,n), t(m), u, w
      data pi /3.1415926535898/
      nv2 = n / 2
      nm1 = n - 1
      j = 1
      do 3 i = 1,nm1
      if (i .ge. j) goto 1
      do 11 ll = 1,m
      t(ll)   = x(ll,j)
      x(ll,j) = x(ll,i)
  11  x(ll,i) = t(ll)
c     t(1;m)   = x(1,j;m)
c     x(1,j;m) = x(1,i;m)
c     x(1,i;m) = t(1;m)
    1 k = nv2
    2 if (k .ge. j) goto 3
      j = j - k
      k = k / 2
      goto 2
    3 j = j + k
      do 5 l = 1,ln 
      le = 2**l
      le1 = le/2
      u = (1.0,0.0) 
      w = cmplx (cos (pi/le1),-sin (pi/le1))
      do 5 j = 1,le1
      do 4 i = j,n,le
      ip = i + le1
      do 4 ll = 1,m 
      t(ll)    = x(ll,ip) * u 
      x(ll,ip) = x(ll,i) - t(ll)
    4 x(ll,i)  = x(ll,i) + t(ll)
c     t(1;m)    = x(1,ip;m) * u
c     x(1,ip;m) = x(1,i;m)  - t(1;m)
c   4 x(1,i;m)  = x(1,i;m)  + t(1;m)
    5 u = u * w
      do 6 i = 1,n
      do 6 l = 1,m
    6 x(l,i) = x(l,i) / float(n)