[comp.graphics] Fast Fourier Transform - YACFFT

mfinegan@uceng.UC.EDU (michael k finegan) (07/30/90)

3ksnn64@cadlab1.ecn.purdue.edu (Joe Cychosz) writes:

>In article <1990Jul22.175529.8882@midway.uchicago.edu> lipman@fciads.bsd.uchicago.edu (Everett Lipman) writes:
>>I am looking for source code for a 2 dimensional Fast Fourier
>>Transform routine.  If anyone has one or knows where to get
>>one, please send me e-mail.  C is preferred, but any language
>>is fine.  Thanks.
>>		Everett Lipman (lipman@fciads.bsd.uchicago.edu)

	lots of code deleted ...

Since the original poster wanted C code, here is a 2D fft that works with
2d float arrays (where each column is 2*rows w/ real,imag,real,imag ... format).
While verbose compared to the fortran version - fast, even though unoptimized.
A very basic test routine is also included ...
						- Mike

/*----------------------- cut here for file 1 of 2 --------------------------*/
 * testfft.c
 * test 2D fft subroutine, using trivial example
 * compiled under SysV using: cc testfft.c twodfft.c -lm -o testfft
#include <stdio.h>

float **testarray;

	int i, j;

       /* allocate 2D float array  - use size = power of 2 */
	if((testarray = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *)*8))
							== (float **)NULL) {
	    fprintf(stderr,"Error: can't allocate float**\n");
	for(j=0;j<8;j++) {
	    if((testarray[j] = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*2*8))
							== (float *)NULL) {
	        fprintf(stderr,"Error: can't allocate float* #%d\n",j);

       /* try a real, constant, input */
	    for(j=0;j<8;j++) {
		testarray[i][j*2]     = 1.0;
		testarray[i][j*2 + 1] = 0.0;

       /* show contents ... */
	printf("\n input data:\n");
	for(i=0;i<8;i++) {
	    for(j=0;j<8;j++) {
			  testarray[i][j*2],testarray[i][j*2 + 1]);

	twodfft(8,8,(float **)testarray,-1);

       /* show forward (uncentered) FFT */
	printf("\n <CR> to display forward results ...");
	for(i=0;i<8;i++) {
	    for(j=0;j<8;j++) {
			  testarray[i][j*2],testarray[i][j*2 + 1]);

	twodfft(8,8,(float **)testarray,1);

       /* show twice trasformed (recentered) aproximation to original */
	printf("\n <CR> to display inverse results (== original) ...");
	for(i=0;i<8;i++) {
	    for(j=0;j<8;j++) {
			  testarray[i][j*2],testarray[i][j*2 + 1]);

/*----------------------- cut here for file 2 of 2 --------------------------*/
 * twodfft.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>	/* for MSC V5.1 - use float.h and huge or large model */

#define TRUE	1
#define FALSE	0

 * Perform 2-D FFT by calling multiple vector
 * subroutine twice: call once for columns,
 * transpose results, then call again for
 * rows. Result will be FFT, with D.C. @ 0,0.
 * NOTE: Expected: M,N power of 2, and M = N.
 *       The caller can zeropad to a square array,
 *	 or could be added here. (I do it when allocating
 *	 the 2d array ...). Forward transform if sign = -1
 *	 (= sign of exponent), else inverse transform is
 *	 assumed with the inverse result being divided through
 *	 by M*N.
 *	 ALL THREE subroutines are used. (Also note inclusion of matherr())
 *	 2D complex array = 2D float array with twice as many columns as rows.
 *	 It is ASSUMED that the array is dynamically allocated (some compilers
 *	 have problems accessing static 2d arrays in the subroutine as **array.
 *	 - internal structure of array must be different!
twodfft(nrows, ncols, array, sign)
int  nrows, ncols;
float **array;
int sign;
    int i, j;
    int offset;
    float normalization;
    void transpose();

   /* if inverse FFT, conjugate */
    if(sign > 0) {
        for(i = 0L; i < nrows; i++)
            for(j = 0L; j < ncols; j++) {
	        array[i][j*2L + 1L] *= -1.0;

    if(!(ffmvtno(nrows, ncols, array)))

    transpose(nrows, ncols, array);

    if(!(ffmvtno(nrows, ncols, array)))

   /* divide inverse transform by nrows*ncols */
    if(sign > 0) {
	normalization = 1.0/((float)nrows*(float)ncols);
        for(i = 0L; i < nrows; i++)
            for(j = 0L; j < ncols; j++) {
	        array[i][j*2L]      *= normalization;
	        array[i][j*2L + 1L] *= normalization;

 * Fast Fourier Multiple Vector Transform, with 'Natural Output'
 * derived from fortran subroutine 'ffatno' in appendix of
 * "An Efficient Two-Dimensional FFT Algorithm",  L. R. Johnson and
 * A. K. Jain, IEEE T-PAMI Vol. PAMI-3, No. 6, pp. 698-701, 1981.
 * ffatno -  possibly stands for:
 *	Fast Fourier Algorithm multiple vector Transform Natural Order
 * 	Fast Fourier Algorithm decimation in Time Natural Order
 * 	Fast Fourier Algorithm Two-dimensional Natural Order
 * At any rate, converted to C from Fortran - all indices shifted down
 * by one (1 to N becomes 0 to N - 1), complex replaced by float, where
 * the even elements are real and the odd are imaginary. Complex addition
 * and subtraction are done component by component, while multiplication
 * and exponentiation are done explicitly, using components. A 2-D array,
 * 'a', is implemented as a column order 2-D array; elements a[0][0], a[0][1]
 * are the real, and imaginary, parts of the first element in the array.
 * The "shuffling" was added at the beginning of the routine, as mentioned
 * in the paper, and its appendix. The other alternative would be to write
 * two versions of the subroutine, one producing shuffled output and one
 * expecting shuffled input, but producing "natural ordered" output.
 * One final implementation detail:
 * The Fortran subroutine uses a 'trick', which I assume is legitimate
 * Fortran (it compiles fine with one Unix F77, but not with another).
 * The trick is the access of a 2-D array as an 1-D array, using row indices
 * that exceed the 2-D range, but stay within a corresponding 1-D range. 
 * While convenient, and more efficient than copying 2-D arrays into
 * intermediate 1-D arrays, etc., it should have been documented.
 * (Authors have assumed it to be a commonly used technique ?).

 * Fast Fourier Multiple Vector Transform w/ Natural Output,
 * from subroutine 'ffatno' (c) 1978 by Lawerence R. Johnson ;
 *		    changes (c) 1989 by Michael K. Finegan, Jr.
int  bitrev[1024];
float row_copy[1024];

ffmvtno(nrows, ncols, array)
int  nrows, ncols;
float **array;		/* origin of 2-D 'complex' array */
    int  i, j, k, l, m;
    int npoint, nexpon, ifirst, isecnd, eq_ifirst_row, eq_ifirst_col;
    int eq_isecnd_row, eq_isecnd_col;
    float w[2L], temp[2L], first[2L], secnd[2L];

    * create bit reverse 'look-up table'; taken from (2-D via sequential 1-D)
    * another 'C' FFT program (Purdue origin? - cf. Gonzalez & Wintz D.I.P.).
    m = (int)(floor(log((double)nrows)/log(2.0)));
    for(i=0L; i < nrows; i++) {
        k = 0L;
        l = i;
        for(j=0L; j < m; j++) {
	    k = k*2L + l%2L;
    	    l = l/2L;
	bitrev[i] = k;
    * shuffle each column using 'bit reversed' row indices
    for(j=0L; j < ncols; j++) {
        for(i=0L; i < nrows; i++) {
	    row_copy[i*2L]      = array[bitrev[i]][j*2L];
	    row_copy[i*2L + 1L] = array[bitrev[i]][j*2L + 1L];
        for(i=0L; i < nrows; i++) {
	    array[i][j*2L]      = row_copy[i*2L];
	    array[i][j*2L + 1L] = row_copy[i*2L + 1L];

    * start of 'C' coded ffatno subroutine:
    npoint = 1L;

    do {
        npoint = npoint * 2L;

        for(nexpon = 0L; nexpon < npoint/2L; nexpon++) {
            ifirst = nexpon;				/* start @ array[0] */
            isecnd = ifirst + npoint/2L;
	    * 'C' implementation of W = cexp(Z):
            *  1) exp(j*theta) = cos(theta) + j*sin(theta)    (Euler's formula)
	    *  2) exp(Z1 + Z2) = exp(Z1) * exp(Z2)
	    * let Z = Z1 + Z2, Z1 = X + j0, Z2 = 0 + jY, and we have:
	    *  W = cexp(X+jY) = cexp(X) * cexp(jY) = exp(X) * (cos(Y) + jsin(Y))
	    *  with X = 0.0,  W = 1.0 * (cos(Y) + jsin(Y)) = cos(Y) + j*sin(Y)
	    *  and so W has nonzero real, and imaginary, components.
	    w[0L] = (float)cos(-2.0*3.1415926535*(double)nexpon/(double)npoint);
	    w[1L] = (float)sin(-2.0*3.1415926535*(double)nexpon/(double)npoint);

            for(i=0L; i < nrows*ncols/npoint; i++) {
	       /* NOTE: fortran apparently allows 1D access to 2D arrays!;
		*	as a result, adjust indices to reflect `1D' access.
		*	Since we use col order, more than addition involved
		*	to get row, col equivalent offset. Calculate equivalent
		*	offset once per iteration to save computation ...
		*	eq_offset = (offset to start of row) + (offset to col)
		eq_ifirst_row = ifirst%nrows;
		eq_ifirst_col = (ifirst/nrows)*2L;
		eq_isecnd_row = isecnd%nrows;
		eq_isecnd_col = (isecnd/nrows)*2L;

	       /* temp = complex multiply of w and array[isecnd][0] */
                temp[0L] = w[0L]*array[eq_isecnd_row][eq_isecnd_col] -
				w[1L]*array[eq_isecnd_row][eq_isecnd_col + 1L];
                temp[1L] = w[1L]*array[eq_isecnd_row][eq_isecnd_col] -
				w[0L]*array[eq_isecnd_row][eq_isecnd_col + 1L];

	       /* complex subtraction */
                array[eq_isecnd_row][eq_isecnd_col]      =
			array[eq_ifirst_row][eq_ifirst_col]      - temp[0L];
                array[eq_isecnd_row][eq_isecnd_col + 1L] =
			array[eq_ifirst_row][eq_ifirst_col + 1L] - temp[1L];

	       /* complex addition */
                array[eq_ifirst_row][eq_ifirst_col]      += temp[0L];
                array[eq_ifirst_row][eq_ifirst_col + 1L] += temp[1L];

                ifirst = ifirst + npoint;
                isecnd = isecnd + npoint;

    } while(npoint < nrows);

   /* return with success */

 * Transpose a square vector, in place.
transpose(nrows, ncols, array)
int   nrows, ncols;
float **array;
    int  i, j;
    float temp[2L];		/* 0 = real, 1 = imag */

    if(nrows != ncols) {
	fprintf(stderr,"Error: only know how to transpose square matrices!\n");
    for(j=0L; j < nrows - 1L; j++) {
	for(i=j+1L; i < nrows; i++) {
	   /* swap row element with column element (complex) */
	    temp[0L] = array[i][j*2L];
	    temp[1L] = array[i][j*2L + 1L];
	    array[i][j*2L]      = array[j][i*2L];
	    array[i][j*2L + 1L] = array[j][i*2L + 1L];
	    array[j][i*2L]      = temp[0L];
	    array[j][i*2L + 1L] = temp[1L];

 * Optional, with need being compiler dependent!
int matherr(x)
struct exception *x;
    int return_value = 1;

    switch(x->type) {
    case DOMAIN:
        fprintf(stderr,"MATH: DOMAIN error in %s: %e, %e\n",x->name,x->arg1,x->arg2);
    case SING:
        fprintf(stderr,"MATH: SING error in %s: %e, %e\n",x->name,x->arg1,x->arg2);
    case OVERFLOW:
        fprintf(stderr,"MATH: OVERFLOW error in %s: %e, %e\n",x->name,x->arg1,x->arg2);
    case PLOSS:
        fprintf(stderr,"MATH: PLOSS error in %s: %e, %e\n",x->name,x->arg1,x->arg2);
    case TLOSS:
        fprintf(stderr,"MATH: TLOSS error in %s: %e, %e\n",x->name,x->arg1,x->arg2);
    case UNDERFLOW:
        fprintf(stderr,"MATH: UNDERFLOW error in %s: %e, %e\n",x->name,x->arg1,x->arg2);
        fprintf(stderr,"MATH: unknown error in %s: %e, %e\n",x->name,x->arg1,x->arg2);
	return_value = 1;
    x->retval = 1.0;
/*--------------------------------- EOF ---------------------------------*/