[comp.graphics] What is JPEG?

mdich@luke (08/03/90)

Recently in discussing image compression several people have mentioned a
technique called JPEG.  Does anyone know what this is?  Where can I find a
description of it?  Has it been adopted as any type of standard, and if so,
by whom?

Thanks in advance for any info.


mdich@schizo.samsung.com (Mike Dichiappari) (08/03/90)

In discussing various image compression schemes recently, several people have
mentioned a technique called JPEG.

1. What is JPEG?

2. Who publishes the actual JPEG specs and how can I get a hold of it?

3. Has anyone actually adopted this technique as a standard?

4. I know it is a lossy technique, but what is the general consensus as to its  

Thanks in advance for any info.


cfogg@milton.u.washington.edu (Chad Fogg) (08/04/90)

In article <14762@samsung.samsung.com> mdich@schizo.samsung.com (Mike Dichiappari) writes:
>In discussing various image compression schemes recently, several people have
>mentioned a technique called JPEG.

JPEG is the committe overseeing the standardization of the still
frame compression algorithm.  MPEG (Motion Picture Experts Group) is a
sister committee handling the interframe compression algorithm.

Both systems are based on Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT).  I've seen a
section or two devoted to DCT in a few image processing technical
reference books.

>1. What is JPEG?

Quoting from C-Cube's CL550 background information booklet:

JPEG, or Joint Photographic Experts Group, is a joint International
Telegraph and Telephone Consultive Committee (CCITT) and International
Standards Organization (ISO) committee in charge of defining a
compression standard for continuous tone images.  CCITT and ISO are
responsible for the Facsimile Group III standard published in 1980.  

JPEG is an international open system standard.  It guarantees that
systems designed by different manufacturers will be able to communicate
and exchange files.  The proposed JPEG algorithm also guarantees high
image quality at high compression ratios.  Finally, the proposed JPEG
algorithm is symmetrical, as it requires the same computational effort
to compress or decompress an image.

>2. Who publishes the actual JPEG specs and how can I get a hold of it?

Electronic Imaging publishes research reports on image compression.
Otherwise, one could go about the usual method of retrieving ISO/CCITT

>3. Has anyone actually adopted this technique as a standard?

Yes, ISO/JPEG :-)  There are already developers who are using either
C-Cube's DCT image compression chip (described below) or the Inmos chip
which, like C-Cube, claims 10:1 on an 1MB image (640*480*24bits) with 
no unreasonable distortion *plus* upto 40:1 interframe (yielding a net 
400:1 real time video).

There's even an ISDN videophone standard.

>4. I know it is a lossy technique, but what is the general consensus as to its  
I haven't seen the results upclose yet, but what I had witnessed looked
impressive (although certain areas seem to be slightly darker on the
decompressed image than on the original). Intel's DVI which has been
reported over the past two years to use Delta Pyramid Encoding,
Laplacian Pyramid, and "Region Encoding" promises to include JPEG and
MPEG compatibility.   I hear CD-I now too has adopted the ISO
algorithms for 72 minutes of full-frame 30fps digital interactive video
on a CD-ROM, like DVI.

Here are the C-Cube highlights taken from the CL550's info kit:

By eliminating data redundancies image compression processors
significantly reduce the data size of digital images.  The attached
image (Lady with Roses) has been compressed by 36:1 (97% of the date has
been eliminated) but they eye can barely tell the difference between the
original 16 MegaByte image, and the compressed 444 KiloByte image.

The C-Cube CL550 is the first compression processor to implement the
proposed JPEG standard algorithm for continuous tone image compression.
It is a single-chip device capable of compressing up to 13.5

The untrained eye will not detect any difference when a [1MB] screen image is
compressed by a 10:1 or a [25MB] print image is compressed by 25:1 using the
proposed JPEG algorithm.  At 25:1 compression 96% of the data is
eliminated, but the information content to which the eye is sensitive is
almost entirely preserved.

The CL550 compression ratio is fully programmable.  In a motion sequence
it can be changed on a frame by frame basis.  Compression ratios as high
as 200:1 are achievable.

The single-chip CL550 includes a Discrete Cosine Transform and Inverse
Discrete Cosine Transform unit, a Quantitizer unit, a Huffman Coder and
the Quantatizer and Huffman tables necessary to implement the JPEG
algorithm.  The CL550 also includes a Video Bus Interface and Host Bus
Interface unit that minimize the glue logic required to interface the
CL550 to the pixel bus and to the system host bus.

The CL550 supports 8-bit grayscale, 24-bit RGB, CMYUK, and YUV 4:4:4,
4:2:2, and 4:1:1 color spaces.

A CMOS VLSI, 1.2 micron, close to 400K transistors, dissipates 1.5 Watts.

The CL550 has more than 320 stages of pipeline.  Each pipeline stage
implements a step of the compression/decompression algorithm.  Each step
is equivalent to one operation.  The CL550-27 is clocked at 27MHz,
therefore every second the 320 stages of pipeline are clocked 27 Million
times and perform close to 10 billion operations.

The CL550 comes in two speed grades:  CL550-10 and CL550-27.  The CL550-
10 can process up to 5MPixels/second (still images), while the CL550-27
can process up to 13.5 MPixels/second (still images and motion video).

Multiple CL550s can compress an image in parallel.  For example, four
CL550s can compress or decompress a High Definition TV (HDTV) video
stream in real time.

jk87377@korppi.tut.fi (Kouhia Juhana Krister) (08/05/90)

In article <14762@samsung.samsung.com> mdich@schizo.samsung.com (Mike Dichiappari) writes:
>In discussing various image compression schemes recently, several people have
>mentioned a technique called JPEG.
>2. Who publishes the actual JPEG specs and how can I get a hold of it?

	Andy C. Hung
	Image Compression: The Emerging Standard for Color Images
	IEEE Computing Futures
	1990, Inaugural Issue, pp. 20-29

"This article will focus on coding methods used in the proposed JPEG
baseline system and parts of the JPEG extended system."

Juhana Kouhia