[comp.graphics] X dump including pull Pull-down menus.

londono@tygart.cerc.wvu.wvnet.edu (Felix Londono) (07/31/90)

I would like to dump an image of an X window including Pull-down menus.

Any help ?


       Felix Londono

keeley@hpnmdla.HP.COM (Ron Keeley) (08/15/90)

Try something like the following:

$ sleep 15; xwd -root | xpr | lp -dlj2000 -oraw

Where you put in your printers name in place of "lj2000".  The 15 second
sleep allows you time to get your menus dropped into place.        

hardaker@iris.UCDavis.EDU (Wes Hardaker) (08/16/90)

Anyone have a utility that will dump a portion of a X11 window rather
than the whole thing; i.e. the program should request for 2 button
presses then dumps that rectangle?  I am tired of dumping massive
windows and then converting and cropping it later when I only want a
50x50 area...  (just a dream)
							       / ___ \
Wes Hardaker					       	      / /   \/
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science    \--/     /\
University of California at Davis	 __________________   \/     /--\
(hardaker@iris.ucdavis.edu)             /     Recycle      \    /\___/ /
                                       / It's not too late! \   \_____/