Computer Animation'91 Geneva, Switzerland May, 22-25 1991 The Computer Graphics Society (CGS) is pleased to announce COMPUTER ANIMATION '91 in Geneva. This third conference on Computer Animation is organized jointly by the University of Geneva, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and CGS. Call for Papers =============== Contributions are solicited describing original research results and applica- tions experience to the following areas of computer animation: Paint systems Motion control Keyframe animation Path planning Mechanics-based animation Synthetic actors Image rendering in animation Animation languages and systems Description of the making of film Special hardware for animation Animation for scientific visualization Animation in engineering Motion blur and temporal antialiasing A.I.-based animation Robotics and animation Video animation Special effects Sound synchronization Speech synchronization Recording techniques Four copies of full papers in English are due December 1, 1990. Videopresen- tations can also be submitted as support of the paper. Authors will be notified by January 10, 1991. Camera-ready papers are due by February 10, 1991. All accepted papers will appear in a book published by Springer Verlag possibly with corresponding videopresentations. Send papers to: Daniel Thalmann Computer Graphics Lab. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology CH-1015 Lausanne Switzerland tel: 41-21-693 5214 fax: 41-21-693 3909 Email: (08/26/90)
Computer Animation'91 Geneva, Switzerland May, 22-25 1991 The Computer Graphics Society (CGS) is pleased to announce COMPUTER ANIMATION '91 in Geneva. This third conference on Computer Animation is organized jointly by the University of Geneva, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and CGS. Call for Papers =============== Contributions are solicited describing original research results and applica- tions experience to the following areas of computer animation: . Paint systems . Motion control . Keyframe animation . Path planning . Mechanics-based animation . Synthetic actors . Image rendering in animation . Animation languages and systems . Description of the making of film . Special hardware for animation . Animation for scientific visualization . Animation in engineering . Motion blur and temporal antialiasing . A.I.-based animation . Robotics and animation . Video animation . Special effects . Sound synchronization . Speech synchronization . Recording techniques Four copies of full papers in English are due December 1, 1990. Videopresen- tations can also be submitted as support of the paper. Authors will be notified by January 10, 1991. Camera-ready papers are due by February 10, 1991. All accepted papers will appear in a book published by Springer Verlag possibly with corresponding videopresentations. Send papers to: Daniel Thalmann Computer Graphics Lab. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology CH-1015 Lausanne Switzerland tel: 41-21-693 5214 fax: 41-21-693 3909 Email: