[comp.graphics] Dithering 24bit to 12bit colour

caw@miroc.Chi.IL.US (Christopher A. Wichura) (09/06/90)

I am looking for sources on dithering algorythms to be used in converting
24bit colour into a 12bit colour palette.  Can someone point me at FTP
sites with sample source, books and/or articles that cover this topic, etc.

-=> CAW

Christopher A. Wichura               |Real programmers don't play tennis, or
caw@miroc.chi.il.us  (my amiga)      |any other sport that requires you to
u12401@uicvm.uic.edu (school account)|change clothes.  Mountain climbing is
                                     |OK, and real programmers wear their
Please! Do not send mail to my school|climbing boots to work in case a
account unless mail to miroc bounces.|mountain should suddenly spring up in
I often do not check uicvm.uic.edu   |the middle of the machine room.
for periods in excess of a week.     |                        --Unix Fortune