[comp.graphics] Second International Cyberspace Conference

success@garnet.berkeley.edu (Allucquere Rosanne Stone) (09/12/90)

                  SANTA CRUZ, CALIFORNIA     APRIL 19-20, 1991
                        ANNOUNCEMENT AND CALL FOR PAPERS

                            Sponsored and hosted by
                          CENTER FOR CULTURAL STUDIES
                      University of California, Santa Cruz

The Second International Conference on Cyberspace will be held April 19-20,
1991 at the University of California, Santa Cruz. This is a call for abstracts,
approximately fifteen of which will be selected for development and 
presentation at the Conference.  All papers, and a number of selected 
abstracts, will be published in Proceedings, available late 1991.

Abstracts should be between 600 and 1000 words, and are due by December 
1, 1990.  Submission of an abstract indicates the submitter's intention and 
capability to write and present the corresponding, full length paper, if 

Participation in the Conference is limited to 140 people in the following 

1.  Participants who have been invited to present papers based on
their abstracts.  (Limit 15)

2.  Participants who have submitted abstracts judged by the Program 
Committee to be of particular interest.  (Limit 35)

3.  Participants with creative and clearly stated interests in the topic who 
are involved with work on cyberspace in any capacity.  (Limit 60)

4.  Visitors & observers, who are not actively working in the field at this 
time but who have expressed interest in the subject.  (Limit 30)

As with the First Conference at Austin in 1990, the Second International 
Conference on Cyberspace is not primarily about the enabling technology of 
VR, 3-D interfaces or high speed computer graphics.  Its focus is on the 
nature of cyberspace conceived of as an independent realm, a shared virtual 
environment whose inhabitants, objects and spaces are data, but data which
is visualized, heard and (perhaps) touched.  Effective technical means of 
access to, and navigation in, cyberspace is assumed.

The focus of the Conference is theoretical and conceptual.  The Second 
Conference will continue the project, begun at the First Conference in 
Austin, of attempting to arrive at the outlines of a consensus and vision of 
cyberspace as a workable system.  It also seeks to reach an understanding of 
how the components of cyberspace already "under construction" in the 
development and design of graphic user interfaces, scientific visualization 
techniques, video games, CAD, abstract architecture and architectural 
design theory, knowledge navigation, "cyberpunk" discourse, cultural 
studies, film and narrative theory, virtual and artificial reality systems, 
ISDN and other networks, groupware, and hypermedia might someday 
function together to create a true, public cyberspace, as well as private, 
special-purpose cyberspaces: viable, 3-dimensional, alternate realities  
providing the maximum number of individuals with the means of 
communication, creativity, productivity, mobility, and control over the 
shapes of their lives within the new information and media environment.

The Second International Conference on Cyberspace is scheduled to take 
place in six sessions over two days and two nights.  The sessions, outlined 
below, follow along the lines of the First Conference. 

     I. WHY CYBERSPACE? Representative subtopics: the nature/
   validity/lessons of William Gibson's vision; cyberspace and
   mythology; the nature of work and power in an "informated" 
   society (cf. Zuboff); cyberspace as the site of multinational/ 
   multilocational business; the role of cyberspace in corporate life 
   and the corporation in cyberspace; implosion and media; global vs. 
   local vs. private systems; costs and benefits of reifying 
   information; the directions and futures of computing; is 
   cyberspace entertainment or work, addiction or production;
   McLuhan revisited: global village or global dream. . .

   subtopics: space-time axiomatics; magic vs. logic; the 
   presence of self and others; the meaning of travel and
   action; what does nature mean in a technological environment
   (cf. Dagognet); the framing of cyberspace; strategies of search and 
   navigation; requisite levels of structure and consensus; dealing with 
   subjectivity in virtual space; body as metaphor of coding (cf. 
   Haraway); rethinking clothing, body surface, prosthesis; what to do 
   when your best friend is a construct. . .

   Politics of representation in cyberspace; implications for minority
   discourse; implications of teleagency; what counts as style, and why; 
   interactive virtual theater (cf. Laurel); discussion of legal, 
   economic, and technological factors in the institution of cyberspace(s);
   the meaning of surveillance, security, privacy, and control in
   cyberspace; the disabled/differently abled in cyberspace;
   governments, institutions, corporations, individuals: who owns/
   creates/manages cyberspace(s)?; who is excluded and who is 
   likely to exclude themselves from cyberspace; who becomes invisible 
   because of cyberspace; whither responsibility?; cops and robbers,
   or: what is crime in a virtual world?; who pays, who profits?;
   whose vision is cyberspace anyway. . .

   Natural vs. artificial coordinate systems; the form and meaning
   of data objects; state, phase, and abstract spaces of scientific 
   visualization; 3-dimensional user interface design; ambiguity,
   complexity and learning; visual languages; art and science 
   together at last?; real world control and feedback; human 
   performance with abstract stimuli. . .

        V. VISUALIZATIONS OF THE SYSTEM. Literary, graphic, or
   computer examples of, attempts at, and designs for cyberspace,
   at the public or private scale; architecture in, and the
   architecture of, cyberspace; alternative spatiotemporal metaphors 
   from "physical reality"; computational models for large 
   communication and data networks. . .

      VII. DINNER AND WRAP UP.  Summary, discussion, and setting 
   of date and place of the Third International Conference on Cyberspace.

LOCATION.  The Conference will take place on the campus of the University 
of California at Santa Cruz, overlooking Monterey Bay approximately 70 
miles south of San Francisco.  UCSC has a well-deserved reputation as one 
of the world's most beautiful universities.

ACCOMMODATIONS.  Rates range upward from $70 per night, although 
slightly lower rates may be unearthed by the perspicacious.  The Conference 
has reserved a block of rooms at a somewhat reduced rate in the Santa Cruz 
Holiday Inn.  The Conference office is coordinating reservations and
information will be supplied in the registration packet.  There are several
attractive bed-and-breakfast establishments in the area.  The Registration
Packet contains information about other hotels, B&Bs, etc.

The Group for the Study of Virtual Systems will attempt to provide 
affordable lodging for a limited number of student attendees and others who 
demonstrate financial need.

The UC Santa Cruz campus is not within easy walking distance of lodging.  
However, there is frequent bus service to and from the campus, and there 
are plans for a Conference jitney.

TRANSPORTATION.  Closest airports are San Jose International and Monterey.  
San Francisco and Oakland International airports are roughly 70 miles from 
Santa Cruz.  There is frequent bus and limousine service to and from San 

RECREATION (or quasi-recreation).  The proximity of Silicon Valley may 
permit Conference attendees to make some on-site visits to Valley 
companies.  Details will be announced later.  For those wishing a more 
kinesthetic experience than current cyberspace implementations afford, 
Santa Cruz possesses a world-famous rollercoaster.  The Monterey Aquarium 
and several world-class amusement parks are nearby.  Elephant seals will 
be mating in their spectacular fashion at the Ano Nuevo National Wildlife 
Refuge.  Big Sur National Seashore is just to the south.  And although March 
may not be quite warm enough for swimming, Santa Cruz' sunny beaches are 
fine for relaxing.


DEADLINES.  Deadline for submission of abstracts is December 1, 1990.
            Notification of selection for presentation by December 30, 1990.
            Deadline for registration is January 15, 1990.

REGISTRATION.  Cost of registration includes printed material, two lunches, 
and final dinner (Session VI).  Registration for participants is $180.00, 
which includes copies of the Collected Abstracts and preferred seating;  
registration for visitors and observers is $100.00, and includes the 
Collected Abstracts and one lunch.

SCHOLARSHIPS.  A limited number of registrations and accommodations will 
be made available at reduced rate to students and others demonstrating 
financial need.

CORRESPONDENCE.  Address registration, correspondence (and questions) to:

                Allucquere Rosanne Stone, Program Chair
                Group for the Study of Virtual Systems
                Center for Cultural Studies
                Oakes College
                University of California, Santa Cruz
                Santa Cruz, CA 95064

TELEPHONE: (408) 459-4899
Please use email rather than phone whenever possible.
FAX: (408) 429-0146
EMAIL: virtual@ucscc.ucsc.edu

The 1991 Program Committee:

Allucquere Rosanne Stone          History of Consciousness
                                  University of California, Santa Cruz
                                  and Department of Sociology
                                  University of California, San Diego

John Ahrens                       Department of Philosophy
                                  University of Hartford

Steve Bingham                     President
                                  Alias Research
                                  Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Michael Benedikt                  School of Architecture
                                  University of Texas at Austin

Don Fussell                       Department of Computer Science
                                  University of Texas at Austin

Charles Grantham                  Department of Organizational Studies
                                  University of San Francisco