ivan@cwi.nl (Ivan Herman) (09/17/90)
preliminary announcement - call for contributions SECOND EUROGRAPHICS WORKSHOP ON VISUALIZATION IN SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING Delft, The Netherlands, 22-23 April, 1991 AIMS AND SCOPE: Visualization in Scientific Computing is a new and rapidly growing area in computer graphics, actively motivated and stimulated by enthusiastic researchers from many scientific and engineering disciplines. Its aim is the exploitation of the power of the human visual system for the interpretation of large and complex data from scientific measurements or computer simulations, through computer generated images. The Eurographics Association has founded a Working Group in this field, and a first successful workshop was held in Clamart (Paris), in April 1990. This workshop is a sequel to the first workshop, and is intended to provide a forum for presentation of recent research results, system development, or application studies, and for exchange of views between experts and users. Areas of applications can be: medicine, structural analysis, aero- and hydrodynamics, geology, chemistry, meteorology, etc. Topics for the workshop include: - volume visualization - rendering techniques - animation - flow visualization - visualization process reference models and standards - architectures and distributed processing for scientific visualization - user interfaces and interactive techniques - case studies in applications and system design Papers will be presented by participants and discussions will be held on these and other relevant topics. PAPERS: Submission is invited of full technical papers (10- 20 pages), or short position papers, stating views on issues in scientific visualization, or describing on-going work in the field (2-4 pages). Papers are reviewed and selected by an international program committee. Accepted papers will be included in the proceedings, distributed at the workshop. A selection of the best papers, revised after the workshop, will be proposed for publication in a book in the Springer EurographicSeminar series. PARTICIPATION: The workshop will be limited to about 50 participants; all technical papers will be presented in plenary sessions. Discussions will also be held in smaller, specialized groups. Location and organization: The workshop will be held at Delft Hydraulics in Delft, Netherlands. Details on fee, accommodation, and transportation will be given later. The workshop is an activity of the Eurographics Working Group on Visualization in Scientific Computing, and is organized by TU Delft (Delft University of Technology), in cooperation with Delft Hydraulics. It is chaired by Frits Post (TU Delft). The members of the program committee will be announced later. IMPORTANT DATES: 1 February, 1991 Deadline for full papers 20 March, 1991 Notification of acceptance 22-23 April, 1991 Workshop INFORMATION: Ms. Andrea Hin Eurographics ViSC Workshop TU Delft, Faculty of Technical Mathematics & Informatics P.O. Box 356, 2600 AJ Delft, Netherlands Tel: +31 - 15 783630 Fax: + 31 - 15 786522 Email: andrea@duticg.tudelft.nl