[comp.graphics] Conference submission info

shirley@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu (peter shirley) (09/18/90)

Thanks to all those who mailed me conference info.  Info on Graphics
Interface '91, Eurographics '91, and Computer Graphics International '91

Of the three, I have only been to Graphics Interface '90.  I think it
was a fun conference (except for the bastard Canadian border guard, the
only living person to treat me more rudely than US border guards), and
a small enough conference that you can "confer"!  Also, I believe "Interface"
refers to interfacing with other researchers as opposed to user interfaces,
so it is a general graphics conference.

************** GRAPHICS INTERFACE ************************

G r a p h i c s   I n t e r f a c e   ' 9 1
	Calgary, Alberta, Canada
	3-7 June 1991


Graphics Interface '91 is the seventeenth Canadian Conference devoted to
computer graphics and interactive techniques, and is the oldest regularly
scheduled computer graphics conference in the world.  Now an annual
conference, film festival, and tutorials, Graphics Interface has
established a reputation for a high-quality technical program.  The 1991
conference will be held in Calgary, Alberta, June 3-7 1991 in conjunction
with Vision Interface '91. Graphics Interface '91 is sponsored by the
Canadian Man-Computer Communications Society.


Four copies of a Full Paper due:	31 Oct. 1990
Tutorial Proposals due:			15 Nov. 1990
Authors Notified:			 1 Feb. 1991
Cover Submissions due:			 1 Feb. 1991
Final Paper due:			29 Mar. 1991
Electronic Theatre Submissions due:	 1 May  1991


Contributions are solicited describing unpublished research results and
applications experience in graphics, including but not restricted to the
following areas:

Image Synthesis & Realism		User Interface
Shading & Rendering Algorithms		Windowing Systems
Geometric Modeling			Computer Cartography
Computer Animation			Image Processing
Interactive Techniques			Medical Graphics
Graphics for CAD/CAM			Graphics in Education
Computer-Aided Building Design		Graphics & the Arts
Industrial & Robotics Applications	Visualization
Graphics in Business			Graphics in Simulation

Four copies of full papers should be submitted to the Program Chairman
before Oct.31 1990. Include with the paper full names, addresses, phone
numbers, fax numbers and electronic mail addresses of all the authors. One
author should be designated "contact author"; all subsequent correspondence
regarding the paper will be directed to the contact author. The other
addresses are required for follow-up conference mailings, including the
preliminary program.


Wayne A. Davis				Brian Wyvill
GI '91 General Chairman			GI '91 Program Chairman
Department of Computing Science		Department of Computer Science
University of Alberta			University of Calgary
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada		Calgary, Alberta, Canada
T6G 2H1					T2N 1N1

Tel:	403-492-3976			Tel:	403-220-6009
EMail:	usersams@ualtamts.bitnet	EMail:	blob@cpsc.ucalgary.ca

************** EUROGRAPHICS   ****************************

About Eurographics'91 :
Deadline is December 10, 1990

Any more information :
Conference Secretariat
c/o Interconvention
Austria Center Vienna
A-1450 Vienna

Tel +43 (1) 2369 2640
Fax +43 (1) 2369 648

******  COMPUTER GRAPHICS INTERNATIONAL  *****************


                      MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

                              June 22 - 28, 1991

The Computer Graphics Society is pleased to announce "CG International '91:
Visualization of Physical Phenomena" at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology in Cambridge, Mass., USA. This Ninth International Conference on
Computer Graphics is organized jointly by MIT and the CGS and will be held in
the Media Laboratory on the MIT campus June 22 - 28, 1991.  Future conferences
are planned in Japan (1992), Canada (1993), Australia (1994) and Greece (1995).

                                Call for Papers

The emphasis of this conference will be the visualization of physical phenomena
and design automation.  In line with these themes, original papers, surveys and
applications are solicited in (but not limited to) the following areas:

   - Fluid flow visualization

   - Underwater visualization in the ocean

   - Map construction methods

   - Simulation and visualization of chaos

   - Fractal modeling, representation and applications

   - Mathematical issues, singularities and theoretical aspects

   - Visualization in astrophysics and space sciences

   - Imaging, vision and detection

   - Computational geometry and algorithms

   - Geometric, solid and non-manifold modeling

   - CAD/CAM and design automation

   - Computer animation in engineering, arts, sciences, medicine and

   - Visualization strategies, ray tracing, rendering and volume

   - Supercomputing for visualization

   - Multimedia technologies

   - Graphics applications in education, engineering, science and industry

Selection will be based on peer review of full papers of up to 10,000 words,
including figures, that contain previously unpublished original results and
applications. Color illustrations (slides) are welcomed.  Papers should be
written in English and should be typed and double-spaced on one side only.
Accepted papers should be typed according to publisher instructions and will be
published by Springer Verlag of Tokyo as bound conference proceedings. In order
to be considered by the Program Committee, the first part of each full paper
should include title; a maximum 200-word abstract; up to 10 keywords; name,
title, affiliation, complete mailing address, telephone/fax/telex numbers and
electronic mail address (if available) for each author; maximum 100-word
biography and photograph of each author; indication of who the corresponding
author will be; and a signed statement of commitment by all authors that "If
paper is accepted for publication, one of the authors will present the paper at
the CGI'91 conference."  Prospective authors are encouraged to submit a
200-word summary of their paper prior to submitting the full paper.  Submission
of summaries is not mandatory but feedback from the Program Committee on
submitted summaries may be useful to the authors in preparation of their full
paper.  The summary should include all of the above except the abstract, author
biography/photograph and statement of commitment. Please submit 6 copies of the
paper summary and the full paper to the Program Chairman. In addition, expanded
versions of exceptionally high quality papers will also be published in a
special issue of The Visual Computer, the official journal of the CGS.  Authors
interested in such publication should request a review of their paper for the


The Program Committee is seeking proposals for panel discussions,
demonstrations of research prototypes and commercial computer graphics systems,
short video presentations and short courses.  Panels will be selected based on
relevance, significance, and general interest.  A panel proposal should include
the panel title, the suggested moderator's and panelists' names, and the draft
position statements of the panelists (maximum 200 words each).  Demonstrations
of research prototypes and commercial systems will be selected based on
technical merit, novelty and feasibility.  The presence of systems designers is
necessary at the demonstration.  Proposals should include the title and a brief
description of the demonstration (maximum 200 words) and technical requirements
for the demos.  Short video presentations will be selected based on technical
merit, novelty and relevance.  Committee selections will be incorporated into a
videocassette to be distributed to conference participants.  Please submit a
brief description (maximum 200 words) and a videocassette copy of the
presentation (maximum 5 minutes in duration). To maintain acceptable picture
quality, only U-matic 3/4 inch videocassettes will be accepted. Note that the
NTSC Broadcast Standard is preferred, however presentations submitted on PAL
and SECAM Standards will also be reviewed.  Short courses, typically half-day
sessions held prior to the conference, will be selected based on relevance and
general interest.  The proposal should include the title, name(s) of
instructor(s), and a description of the objectives of the course (maximum 200
words), plus a description of any technical requirements.  All of the above
proposals should include for each author a title, affiliation, complete mailing
address, telephone/fax/telex numbers, electronic mail address, maximum 100-word
biography and indication of who the corresponding author will be.


Non-mandatory summary due (6 copies)    September 4, 1990
Comments on summaries to authors        September 14, 1990
Proposal for panels, demos and short
courses (6 copies)                      November 1, 1990
Description and copy of short video demos
November 5, 1990
Full paper due (6 copies)               November 5, 1990
Notice of acceptance                    December 28, 1990
Camera-ready paper due                  February 11, 1991
Final copy of short video demos due     February 11, 1991
Tutorials and short courses             June 22-25, 1991
Conference                              June 26-28, 1991

                                Special Events

CGI'91 will include tours of MIT laboratories, an exhibition of commercial
computer graphics systems, an exhibition of publishers, demonstrations of
research prototype systems, and panel sessions on the theme areas of the
conference.  Boston also offers the conference audience an unparalleled variety
of cultural events in a cosmopolitan atmosphere. Activities for participants,
spouses and guests are being arranged including an informal clambake dinner at
the Aquarium on Boston Harbor and other social events and excursions in the
Boston area.

Prof. C. Chryssostomidis, MIT, USA; Dr. B. Herzog, University of Michigan, USA
Prof. N. M. Patrikalakis, MIT, USA

Dr. R. A. Earnshaw, University of Leeds, UK

Prof. L. J. Guibas, MIT, USA
Prof. A. Kaufman, SUNYSB, USA
Prof. T. L. Kunii, University of Tokyo, Japan
Prof. H. Nowacki, Technical University of Berlin, Germany
Dr. W. K. Stewart, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA

Prof. L. Bardis, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Dr. F. Baskett, Silicon Graphics, USA
Dr. T. S. Chua, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Dr. R. A. Earnshaw, University of Leeds, UK
Prof. G. E. Farin, Arizona State University, USA
Prof. D. C. Gossard, MIT, USA
Prof. L. J. Guibas, MIT, USA
Dr. W. Hansmann, University of Hamburg, Germany
Prof. C. M. Hoffmann, Purdue University, USA
Prof. A. Kaufman, SUNYSB, USA
Prof. T. L. Kunii, University of Tokyo, Japan
Prof. N. Magnenat-Thalmann, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Prof. E. Nakamae, University of Hiroshima, Japan
Prof. A. P. Pentland, MIT, USA
Prof. B. Ravani, University of California, USA
Prof. D. F. Rogers, US Naval Academy, USA
Dr. J. R. Rossignac, IBM, USA
Dr. W. K. Stewart, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA
Prof. D. Thalmann, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland
Prof. G. T. Toussaint, McGill University, Canada
Prof. T. C. Woo, University of Michigan, USA
Prof. B. Wyvill, University of Calgary, Canada
Prof. G. Wyvill, University of Otago, N. Zealand
Prof. F. Yamaguchi, Waseda University, Japan
Prof. D. Zeltzer, MIT, USA

Send 6 copies of summaries, papers, proposals for panels, demos and short
courses to:
Prof. Nicholas M. Patrikalakis, CGI'91 Program Chairman
MIT Rm 5-428, 77 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
Tel: (617)253-4555; Fax: (617)253-8125; Telex: 92-1473
E-mail: nmp@deslab.mit.edu

For more information contact:
Ms. Barbara Dullea, CGI'91 Secretariat
MIT Rm 5-430, 77 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
Tel: (617)253-7799; Fax: (617)253-8125; Telex: 92-1473
E-mail: barbara@deslab.mit.edu

DRAFT of 31 May 1990; 2:35pm