[comp.graphics] Suitable data for volume rendering....

drw900@cacofonix.anu.edu.au (11/05/90)

	I'm looking for volume data for testing a hybrid
surface/volume rendering raytracer. Is there anyone who has some that
they think would -

	(a) make a nice picture, and
	(b) wouldn't mind if the the pictures were shown in public

I would be quite happy to acknowledge the source of the data in
anything that I actually show or publish. Also I'd be happy to ftp any
nice pics I make to the donor of the data. Currently the program reads
VoxelView format data files (a few came as demo's on my Iris..), but
data in any format would be fine.

	Is anyone else doing this sort of thing ? Basically the code
does the same sort of thing as Perlin, and Kay/Kajiya's "furry" code's
are doing. I'm interested in hearing about optimizations people make
for speeding up this sort of rendering, it ain't fast !! One thought
I've had is making the step length along the ray adaptive, ie if not
much is happening at a particular part of the volume start doubling
the step length and vice/versa. Sort of like adaptive methods for
solving DE's.

/* Drew Whitehouse,                        E-mail:  drw900@anusf.anu.edu.au  */
/* Visualization Programmer,  (and if that fails...)drw900@csc2.anu.oz.au    */
/* Australian National University,         Phone : (06) 2495985              */
/* Supercomputer Facility.                 Fax   : (06) 2473425              */
/* GPO Box 4, Canberra ACT Australia 2601.                                   */