[comp.graphics] Someone to put together a CD-ROM .gif collection.

marcr@marque.mu.edu (11/11/90)

A local person in Milwaukee would like to start a .gif collection
of 'adult' material.

Personally, with the net shutting down the FTP sites (and I WON'T get
into the censorship vs. NSF debate) it MIGHT be a good idea for someone
to put together a set of these pictures for prosperity.

If someone else has done this, wants more info, wants to complain, or
whatever, get in contact with the person listed in the below text.

From:    Ted Tang 
To:      All                                      Msg #93, 09-Nov-90 05:46cst
Subject: Adult CD-ROM project

                          Adult CD-ROM project

Date          November 9, 1990

Introduction  The following project is to produce an "adult" oriented
              CD-ROM disc.  Basically, I already have a 60 meg
              collection of adult files sitting on expensive magnetic
              media and backed up on floppy discs.  My collection has
              barely changed, only increased in size.

              I no longer care to store so much "popular" files on
              magnetic media.  Now with a recently purchased CD-ROM
              drive, I wish my collection was on there.  To my surprise,
              creating such a disc is not at all that expensive.
More [Y,n]? 

Contents      The CD-ROM disc will contain only "R", "NC-17", & "X"
              rated files, no tame stuff like Sports Illustrated
              pictures (although they are pretty nice).  So far, the
              following catagories have been designed:

                   text stories (forum) & ASCII printable pictures
                   general pictures
                   MacPaint pictures
                   GIFs pictures
                   general animations
                   Grasp animation

More [Y,n]? 
              Plus necessary utilities like PKZIP, CSHOW, GRASPRT, etc.

Format        Only MS-DOS format is being considered.  If someone knows
              how to extend this disc to benefit other platforms, your
              help would be greatly appreciated.

              The disc will be "BBS ready" with a FILES.BBS or whatever
              is needed.

Cost          $3000 initial mastering including 100 discs.  After 100
              discs, each would cost as little as $3.  If the disc is
              priced at $30 a piece, the initial mastering is covered
              after the first 100.  Afterwards, the efforts of the
              members of this project gets covered if they choose to
              sell them to friends.  To protect the value of the disc, I
              would advise that no one sells it for under $30.

More [Y,n]? 
              $30 a piece is pretty cheap nowadays, especially for
              CD-ROM discs!

Legal probs   A legal consultant (or more) will be needed for this task
              because I foresee problems.  You know this project can't
              actually pay a lawyer anything but you can get some good
              practice (plus a disc or two) in the process!

              (1) "Blue laws"
                   Specifically, the distribution of pornography and
                   controlling who gets it.
              (2) "Jim Maxi"
                   Specifically, if you haven't heard about Jim Maxi
                   threatning BBS's about distributing some of his GIFs.
              (3) Copyright problems
                   This whole project maybe impossible if GIFs of
                   scanned pictures from "unknown" sources create an
More [Y,n]? 
              (4) Business laws
                   Is this whole project a business?
Wanted        CONTRIBUTORS
              Anyone who can add to the collection.

              LEGAL CONSULTANT
              Someone who knows the law regarding such a project.
              Should specialize in copyright laws.

              Anyone who has been through all this before.  If you have
              created one of those Shareware CD-ROM discs, your help
              would be greatly appreciated.  If you distribute Shareware
              for a fee, your help would also be appreciated.

More [Y,n]? 
              Anyone who wants one or more of these discs.  Basically, I
              need investors because I can't possibly shell out $3000
              and sit around with 100 discs attempting to sell them.  I
              need promises of purchase.  I hope to permit the first
              disc to go for $30 and any additional disc to go for $3
              (assuming we get the initial 100 promises at $30).

Benefits      I figure anyone who helps out in launching this project
              will be able to receive this disc and all future volumes
              at cost to do with as he wishes.  This is the only payoff
              this project can offer.  Besides, this would be a great
              experience (heck, I've never done this before).

Closing       I've created this file to keep anyone interested up to
              date on the whole thing.

More [Y,n]? 
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ O/_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Legend        Here's my list of interested parties:

              Name             E-Mail    Voice        Notes
              ---------------- --------- ------------ -------------------
Created by    Ted Tang         1:154/386 414-332-9899 60 megs adult files

Contributors  Robert Kubicheck 1:154/111              20 meg GIFs
              Phil Davenport   1:154/386
              Don Marquart     1:104/888 303-973-8535
              Derek Wood       1:104/904 303-492-3905

More [Y,n]? 
     (Interested?  Contact me to have your name added to this list)

--- QM v1.00
 * Origin: Disaster Area HST (414) 964-0386 Milwaukee, WI (1:154/386.0)

Marc Rassbach     marcr@marque.mu.edu         If you take my advice, that
....marque!msoe3b2!milestn!marc               is your problem, not mine!
              If it was said on UseNet, it must be true.
   Unix - It's a nice place to live, but you don't want to visit there.