[comp.graphics] Tektronix STI-like source

aburke@ogicse.cse.ogi.edu (Andrew Burke) (12/10/90)

I've just acquired a Tektronix 4129 terminal, and I don't
have a burning desire to write code to drive it. What I'm
looking for is a library of C functions, for a straight UN*X
machine (whatever that is...), that will translate my calls
and parameters into the correct escape codes and encoded
values. Tek sells (or did) such a beast, and they call it
Plot 10 STI (I humbly acknowledge that I'm using symbols,
words, and products produced and/or owned by mama Tektronix.
Damned good stuff, too.). Has anyone got such a beast or know
where I could get it? Public domain type code is what I want,
for you nervous types...

many thanks,
Andrew Burke
"reboot the system"