(Hugo Lyppens) (12/04/90)
I've partly implemented the Newell-Newell-Sancha hidden surface algorithm on the Amiga for a real-time 3D animation package I've written. This algorithm is also known as the Painter's algorithm, for it establishes a priority list and draws polygons from the back to the front. The program allows scenes composed of planar polygons which have no holes. I don't however get perfect results because there's one step in the algorithm I don't know how to implement: to check if the projections of two polygons on the screen overlap or not. I haven't been able to find an article on this subject, not even in articles from the authors of the painter's algorithm themselves! So please could anyone help me with some hints or source code to determine QUICKLY whether two 2D polygons overlap or not? Then I'll be able to implement the algorithm completely. Please E-mail your responses to Any help is greatly appreciated! (John Schultz) (12/05/90)
In <> (Hugo Lyppens) writes: >I've partly implemented the Newell-Newell-Sancha hidden surface algorithm on the Amiga for a real-time 3D animation package I've written. This algorithm is also known as the Painter's algorithm, for it establishes a priority list and draws polygons from the back to the front. >The program allows scenes composed of planar polygons which have no holes. I >don't however get perfect results because there's one step in the algorithm I > don't know how to implement: to check if the projections of two polygons on >the screen overlap or not. I haven't been able to find an article on this >subject, not even in articles from the authors of the painter's algorithm >themselves! >So please could anyone help me with some hints or source code to determine QUICKLY whether two 2D polygons overlap or not? Then I'll be able to implement the algorithm completely. Two steps: Check to see if their extents overlap (minX,maxX,minY,maxY of the polygon). This step requires only boolean comparisons. You can compute the extents in your 2D clipping code. If you're in for speed, this step may be all you need. The next step, if the extents overlap, is to find out if the polygons actually overlap. One way is to use a clipping algorithm to clip one polygon against another (Instead of clipping against a rectangle, clip against a polygon. Most screen clippers are just special case clippers for rectangles). You might also be able to analyze the relationship between the area of the extent of *both* polygons and the areas of each polygon within that extent (overlapping polygons will have less area than non-overlapping polygons). John
rodent@netcom.UUCP (Richard Noah) (12/05/90) (Hugo Lyppens) writes: [implementing newell-newell-sancha on an Amiga] >the screen overlap or not. I haven't been able to find an article on this >subject, not even in articles from the authors of the painter's algorithm >themselves! I did this a while ago, using Foley-VanDam. The 2D-overlap algo is either in the same book, or another common reference, because I didn't have trouble finding it. The only problem is, this algorithm DOESN'T WORK CONSISTENTLY. Even if you limit yourself to scenes composed of the simplest non-intersecting triangles, newell-newell-sancha algo will occasionally be unable to depth-sort them correctly. Is there an algorithm that always works? If there is, it's a closely gaurded secret of the high priests of computer graphics. I've tried for years to find an algorithm that will work in all cases, spending months coding, testing, and ending up in defeat. I went to Computer Literacy (for those unknowing, it's a VERY complete bookstore) and looked in EVERY computer graphics text they had. Many didn't even mention hidden-line algos, some mentioned them but didn't elaborate, and several only had elaborate rendering techniques useless for real-time. Only two books (everybody knows which) had a depth-sort algorithm in detail, and they both described the (oh no!) Newell-Newell-Sancha algo. If anyone could mention/describe/point to a SINGLE ALGORITHM ANYWHERE that depth-sorts correctly, I would be indebted forever. Would one of the high priests reading this group care to reveal this secret to the masses? --------------------------------- Ben Discoe, caltech escapee and frustrated visionary at large. (Jeffrey P. Bakke) (12/05/90)
In article <18082@netcom.UUCP> rodent@netcom.UUCP (Richard Noah) writes: > (Hugo Lyppens) writes: > [implementing newell-newell-sancha on an Amiga] > >the screen overlap or not. I haven't been able to find an article on this > >subject, not even in articles from the authors of the painter's algorithm > >themselves! > [ Etc ... ] > If anyone could mention/describe/point to a SINGLE ALGORITHM ANYWHERE > that depth-sorts correctly, I would be indebted forever. Would one of > the high priests reading this group care to reveal this secret to the > masses? Well, I'm not a graphics Guru of any version but I really don't think there is any way to have a depth sort algorithm work in all cases. The depth sort always fails whenever you have intersecting polygons or polygons that overlay sections of each other. I think the only way to work around this problem short of ray-tracing or some other high cpu cost procedure is the use of the Z-buffer algorithm (The painters is a simplified version of this algorithm) when you generally depth sort each pixel individually instead of each polygon. This is all that I have ever seen to eliminate this problem short of highly-intensive algorithms. Only problem of course with the Z buffer algorithm is that you need a fairly large amount of memory to store the necessary information. Although if you have the memory, there would be very few ways of doing this any faster with a different algorithm. Anyone else out there want to take a shot at a better solution. -- Jeffrey P. Bakke | There are a finite number of INTERNET: | jokes in the world... UUCP : ...!uunet!plains!bakke | The overflow began BITNET : bakke@plains.bitnet | decades ago. "I am not a number, I am a free man!" - The Prisoner (Tom Duff) (12/05/90)
Checking two polygons for overlap is fairly easy: either some edge of one polygon crosses an edge of the other, or one of the polygons is completely contained within the other. You can check for containment by picking a single vertex of each polygon and checking it for containment in the other. (You know how to do this, right? If not, check the FAQs.) If these tests fail, you can just test each pair of edges for intersection. The obvious method of doing this takes time proportional to n^2. Since two polygons can intersect in O(n^2) points, you probably can't do better than this, worst case. Of course, as has been already pointed out, a bounding box cull will usually save much work. The previous posting that suggested using a general polygon clipper (like Weiler-Atherton) to test for overlap was overkill. It's Very Hard to get Weiler-Atherton to work properly; it's dead easy to check polygons for overlap. (Alvin T. Campbell III) (12/06/90)
In article 15436 of, (Jeffrey P. Bakke) writes: >In article <18082@netcom.UUCP> rodent@netcom.UUCP (Richard Noah) writes: >> >> If anyone could mention/describe/point to a SINGLE ALGORITHM ANYWHERE >> that depth-sorts correctly, I would be indebted forever. > > ... I really don't think there >is any way to have a depth sort algorithm work in all cases. The depth >sort always fails whenever you have intersecting polygons or polygons that >overlay sections of each other. I think the only way to work around this >problem ... is the use of the Z-buffer algorithm > >Anyone else out there want to take a shot at a better solution. I would suggest the use of a Binary Space Partioning (BSP) Tree algorithm. The basic technique leads to a depth sort without the limitations of the Newell-Newell-Sancha method, mentioned above. First, the input polygons are split across each other's planes, in order to prevent the intersection and cycled-ordering problems mentioned above. This is done in an efficient manner which does not require each polygon to be tested against all others. Next, a binary data structure is created which aids in the polygon sorting process. A modified inorder tree traversal results in a correct depth sort of the polygons from any viewpoint. Note that this data structure is viewpoint-independent, and is well-suited for hidden surface removal in animations where the only the viewpoint changes. The basic work was done by Bruce Naylor in his dissertation research, and is documented in the somewhat theoretical paper: Fuchs, Kedem, and Naylor, "On Visible Surface Generation by A Priori Tree Structures", Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 1980, July 1980, pp. 124-133. A later paper with a more practical orientation is: Fuchs, Abram, and Grant, "Near Real-Time Shaded Display of Rigid Objects", Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 1983, JUly 1983, pp. 65-72. I hope this information is helpful. -- A. T. Campbell, III CS Department, University of Texas (Samuel P. Uselton) (12/06/90)
posted from rodent@netcom.UUCP (Richard Noah), but signed by Ben Discoe: > (Hugo Lyppens) writes: >[implementing newell-newell-sancha on an Amiga] >>the screen overlap or not. I haven't been able to find an article on this >>subject, not even in articles from the authors of the painter's algorithm >>themselves! > As pointed out by others (and my email to Lyppens) this is really the same as clipping - found in lots of books. >I did this a while ago, using Foley-VanDam. The 2D-overlap algo is either >in the same book, or another common reference, because I didn't have >trouble finding it. The only problem is, this algorithm DOESN'T WORK ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Newell-Newell-Sancha or the overlap (clipping) ?? (I assume N-N-S Painter's visible surface alg.) >CONSISTENTLY. Even if you limit yourself to scenes composed of the simplest >non-intersecting triangles, newell-newell-sancha algo will occasionally >be unable to depth-sort them correctly. There is a standard picture in most texts showing a set of three convex polygons that overlap in x y and z without intersecting. They can not be "properly" depth sorted BY ANY METHOD! (So don't blame N-N-S or the text authors.) The standard solution in this case is to split one of the polygons along the plane of another. This results in four convex polygons that ARE readily depth "sortable". The main benefit of this algorithm is not its speed for a single frame but rather the fact that in most SEQUENCES the order of the polygons changes very little from one frame to the next, so frames 2 through N can be done faster. This speed is useful in real (or near real) time work, but requires fairly clever implementation to take full advantage. > >Is there an algorithm that always works? If there is, it's a closely ^^^^^^^^^^^^ "Hidden Surface Removal" I assume >gaurded secret of the high priests of computer graphics. I've tried for >years to find an algorithm that will work in all cases, spending months >coding, testing, and ending up in defeat. There is no ONE visible surface rendering algorithm best for all purposes. That is why there are so many choices. And why people ("high priests"? :-) ) continue to do research and publish new algorithms and improvements to the old ones. I'm only a low priest I guess ( :-) ) but in every graphics class I ever taught (in 10 years) we spent at least a couple of weeks discussing the hidden/visible surface problem, why there were choices to be made, and what the question were to help determine which answer is appropriate. Hardly a "closely guarded secret." > >I went to Computer Literacy (for those unknowing, it's a VERY complete >bookstore) and looked in EVERY computer graphics text they had. >Many didn't even mention hidden-line algos, some mentioned them but didn't >elaborate, and several only had elaborate rendering techniques useless >for real-time. It is a HARD problem. Saying "useless for real-time" and discounting the entire content is throwing the baby out with the bathwater. It also suggests that your hardware is not (yet) up to the task you are attempting. > >Only two books (everybody knows which) had a depth-sort algorithm in >detail, and they both described the (oh no!) Newell-Newell-Sancha algo. > >If anyone could mention/describe/point to a SINGLE ALGORITHM ANYWHERE >that depth-sorts correctly, I would be indebted forever. Would one of ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ as pointed out above, this is mathematically impossible in general. >the high priests reading this group care to reveal this secret to the >masses? > Another possibility you might consider (before buying a Personal Iris and making the problem moot) is the BSP-tree based algorithm. It requires building a tree data structure rather than a sorted list. Traversing the tree at rendering time is almost as fast. The tree does not need changed as a viewer moves around, but will need revised when objects move relative to each other. [Foley, VanDam, Feiner & Hughes starting p. 675] >--------------------------------- >Ben Discoe, caltech escapee and frustrated visionary at large. Sam Uselton ex-prof, now just research! employed by CSC working for NASA speaking for myself
toddh@megatek.UUCP (Todd Heckel) (12/06/90)
Actually, the Z-buffer is a very brute force technique, one might even say "stupid". It get's the job done, but it wastes a lot of time dealing with every pixel from every polygon in the scene, whether or not it will be ultimately visible. It is also is not compatible with any kind of real-time anti-aliasing technique. The solution, of course, involves much more complex algorithms which perform various types of culling operations in order to limit the number of pixels actually rendered. Todd Heckel, net neophyte. (Tom Duff) (12/06/90)
rodent@netcom.UUCP says: >Even if you limit yourself to scenes composed of the simplest >non-intersecting triangles, newell-newell-sancha algo will occasionally >be unable to depth-sort them correctly. >Is there an algorithm that always works? If there is, it's a closely >gaurded secret of the high priests of computer graphics. I've tried for >years to find an algorithm that will work in all cases, spending months >coding, testing, and ending up in defeat. I find this hard to believe. Foley, van Dam, Feiner & Hughes describe the Newell, Newell & Sancha algorithm on pp 673-675 of Computer Graphics, Principles & Practice. The algorithm is fairly simple. I've coded it up at least once, long ago when I gave it as a programming assignment. It took about a day, and never caused any trouble. I'm utterly astounded that anyone could spend large amounts of time and still fail to get it working. It's fairly obvious that the algorithm cannot fail to depth-sort a scene, since whenever the depth order of two polygons cannot be determined, it replaces one of them by splitting it in two pieces, one on each side of the other (original) polygon. Since the algorithm refuses to allow polygons whose depth order cannot be determined to remain in the scene, the only possible failure mode would be non-termination, not incorrect depth-sorting. Non-termination is obviously out of the question, since each polygon can be split at most by each other (original) polygon in the scene. Maybe you could describe in more detail a simple scene on which your program fails? (Daniel Mark Gessel) (12/07/90)
In article <848@portnoy.megatek.uucp> toddh@megatek.UUCP (Todd Heckel) writes: >Actually, the Z-buffer is a very brute force technique, one might even say "stupid". >It get's the job done, but it wastes a lot of time dealing with every pixel from >every polygon in the scene, whether or not it will be ultimately visible. It is >also is not compatible with any kind of real-time anti-aliasing technique. The >solution, of course, involves much more complex algorithms which perform various >types of culling operations in order to limit the number of pixels actually rendered. Todd Heckel, net neophyte. Actually, anti-aliasing a zbuffer is easy. But the technique I would use is as brute force and stupid as a z-buffer itself. Render the image into a buffer with twice the resolution in each direction (or more) and have video hardware that averages from 4 pixels (or more). This is probably the most general anti-aliasing technique, and I'd like to see it in things like display postscript and stuff. But it does use 4 (or more) times as much memory and processing power. Dan -- Daniel Mark Gessel Independent Software Consultant Internet: and Developer I do not represent Swarthmore College (thank God). (John Schultz) (12/07/90)
In <18082@netcom.UUCP> rodent@netcom.UUCP (Richard Noah) writes: [stuff deleted] >Is there an algorithm that always works? If there is, it's a closely >gaurded secret of the high priests of computer graphics. I've tried for >years to find an algorithm that will work in all cases, spending months >coding, testing, and ending up in defeat. The BSP (binary space partition algorithm) tree will work for all cases. The only disadvantage is the need to split polygons with intersecting planes. These splits are done *before* runtime (for real time work), so this algorithm is very good when you can crank out polygons at high speed. You can also do splits for the Newell et all algorithm *during* runtime, and thus is will work for all cases (but slower). >If anyone could mention/describe/point to a SINGLE ALGORITHM ANYWHERE >that depth-sorts correctly, I would be indebted forever. Would one of >the high priests reading this group care to reveal this secret to the >masses? See "Computer Graphics, Principles and Practice", by Foley et all. It presents a lucid explanation of BSPs and the depth sort method with splits. John (John Schultz) (12/07/90)
In <> (Tom Duff) writes: [stuff deleted] >The previous posting that suggested using a general polygon clipper >(like Weiler-Atherton) to test for overlap was overkill. It's >Very Hard to get Weiler-Atherton to work properly; it's dead easy >to check polygons for overlap. The Sutherland-Hodgman algorithm will clip any polygon (convex or concave) to any convex polygon. It's really simple to code, and can also be used as the primary 2D or 3D screen clipper. But, doing a pointwise compare (using cross products or winding points algorithms), of points in a polygon will probably be faster. But, if you're out for speed, skip this step, or if you have a fast polygon machine, use a BSP (or if objects are moving, use BSPs for each object, then sort the objects). John (Jeff Bakke) (12/07/90)
In article <848@portnoy.megatek.uucp> toddh@megatek.UUCP (Todd Heckel) writes: > Actually, the Z-buffer is a very brute force technique, one might even say "stupid". > It get's the job done, but it wastes a lot of time dealing with every pixel from > every polygon in the scene, whether or not it will be ultimately visible. It is > also is not compatible with any kind of real-time anti-aliasing technique. The > solution, of course, involves much more complex algorithms which perform various > types of culling operations in order to limit the number of pixels actually rendered. Correct me if I'm wrong but from what I understand the Z-Buffer method, is the method most implemented in High performance hardware graphics implementation. On the hardware level it would seem to be very efficient and easy to implement. I agree that on a software level, it would be stupid to fully implement a z-buffer method of hl removal but I made the assumption that if you were to do a software method, you would make adjustments and changes to the generalized algorithm to decrease unnecesary calculation and overlap. -- Jeffrey P. Bakke | There are a finite number of INTERNET: | jokes in the world... UUCP : ...!uunet!plains!bakke | The overflow began BITNET : bakke@plains.bitnet | decades ago. "I am not a number, I am a free man!" - The Prisoner
uad1077@dircon.uucp (Ian Kemmish) (12/08/90)
<Discussion of overlapping polygons in the depth sort. > There are various ways to do this. The A-buffer fudges it, on the basis that in most cases the error introdiced by fudging isv. small. (And I've known plenty of commercial work done this way that seems to bear this out.) The Warnock subdivision algorithm would certainly handle it OK, until you got to the sub-pixel level, when you could again fudge it. I beleive the Weiler-Atherton algorithm handles it if done properly. Catmull's analytic algorithm (SIGGRAPH 84) certainly does it properly. I am surprised at the claim that no textbooks could be found that mentioned these algorithms. Also, note that `doing it properly' is not necessarily expensive. Most of these algorithms were devised when the VAX was new. These days, a flop is far cheaper than a page fault -- I am in the middle of moving from a super-sampled jittered z-buffer to an analytic visibility algorithm with direct-convolution filtering for just that reason (plus a natural fear of patent lawyers!). -- Ian D. Kemmish Tel. +44 767 601 361 18 Durham Close uad1077@dircon.UUCP Biggleswade ukc!dircon!uad1077 Beds SG18 8HZ United Kingd
toddh@megatek.UUCP (Todd Heckel) (12/09/90)
From article <>, by (Daniel Mark Gessel): > > Actually, anti-aliasing a zbuffer is easy. But the technique I would use is as > brute force and stupid as a z-buffer itself. Render the image into a buffer > with twice the resolution in each direction (or more) and have video hardware > that averages from 4 pixels (or more). This is probably the most > general anti-aliasing technique, and I'd like to see it in things like display > postscript and stuff. But it does use 4 (or more) times as much memory and > processing power. > > Dan > -- > Daniel Mark Gessel Independent Software Consultant > Internet: and Developer > I do not represent Swarthmore College (thank God). Note that I said "real-time". I have designed systems that do exactly as you described, at either four or sixteen times the display resolution (two by two or four by four). While the images look great, they take four or (gasp) sixteen times as long to generate as an un-anti-aliased image. Newer techniques based on sorting and bit-masks, like the A-buffer, are currently being adapted for real-time image generation use. -- Todd Heckel Megatek Corporation uunet!megatek!toddh 9645 Scranton Road or San Diego, CA 92121 toddh@megatek.uucp
toddh@megatek.UUCP (Todd Heckel) (12/09/90)
From article <>, by (Jeff Bakke): > > Correct me if I'm wrong but from what I understand the Z-Buffer method, > is the method most implemented in High performance hardware graphics > implementation. On the hardware level it would seem to be very efficient > and easy to implement. I agree that on a software level, it would be > stupid to fully implement a z-buffer method of hl removal but I made the > assumption that if you were to do a software method, you would make > adjustments and changes to the generalized algorithm to decrease unnecesary > calculation and overlap. > I'm sorry, I didn't mean to imply that it would be stupid to use the algorithm in a high-performance system. And while it is very easy to implement, it is NOT efficient. Just the depth storage for a floating-point implementation requires well over 4 megabytes of high-speed RAM! Also, like I said originally, a lot of processing may end up being wasted on pixels that end up being occluded anyway. You're correct when you state that the Z-Buffer method is the most implemented in high-performance graphics ___Workstations___. However, it is very uncommon to see Z-Buffers used in high-performance ___Image Generators___, like those used for Flight Simulators and such. -- Todd Heckel Megatek Corporation uunet!megatek!toddh 9645 Scranton Road or San Diego, CA 92121 toddh@megatek.uucp
coy@ssc-vax (Stephen B Coy) (12/13/90)
In article <850@portnoy.megatek.uucp> toddh@megatek.UUCP (Todd Heckel) writes: > You're correct when you state that the Z-Buffer method is the most > implemented in high-performance graphics ___Workstations___. > However, it is very uncommon to see Z-Buffers used in high-performance > ___Image Generators___, like those used for Flight Simulators and such. >-- > Todd Heckel > Megatek Corporation uunet!megatek!toddh > 9645 Scranton Road or > San Diego, CA 92121 toddh@megatek.uucp Uncommon, yes, but not unheard of. A few years ago Boeing Aerospace delivered a very nice system for image generation for a B-1B flight simulator. The system was Z-buffer based with some enhancements along the lines of the A-buffer for anti-aliasing. Boeing also lost a few tens of millions on the contract. Similar technology was used for this summer's delivery of an image generation system to the Army for mission planning. One of the big selling points with a Z-buffer based system vs a BSP based system is the faster turn-around time for developing databases. The nature of the Z-buffer algorithm also lends itself to heavy pipelining/parallelization. Stephen Coy uw-beaver!ssc-vax!coy A house divided is a duplex.
davidle@microsoft.UUCP (David LEVINE) (12/18/90)
In article <> (Tom Duff) writes: > >>Is there an algorithm that always works? If there is, it's a closely >>gaurded secret of the high priests of computer graphics. I've tried for >>years to find an algorithm that will work in all cases, spending months >>coding, testing, and ending up in defeat. > >I find this hard to believe. Foley, van Dam, Feiner & Hughes describe >the Newell, Newell & Sancha algorithm on pp 673-675 of Computer Graphics, >Principles & Practice. The algorithm is fairly simple. >I've coded it up at least once, long ago when I gave it as a programming >assignment. It took about a day, and >never caused any trouble. I'm utterly astounded that anyone could spend >large amounts of time and still fail to get it working. > >It's fairly obvious that the algorithm cannot fail to depth-sort a scene, >since whenever the depth order of two polygons cannot be determined, it >replaces one of them by splitting it in two pieces, one on each side of the >other (original) polygon. Since the algorithm refuses to allow polygons >whose depth order cannot be determined to remain in the scene, the only >possible failure mode would be non-termination, not incorrect depth-sorting. >Non-termination is obviously out of the question, since each polygon can >be split at most by each other (original) polygon in the scene. > >Maybe you could describe in more detail a simple scene on which your program >fails? I will admit that I have not followed this thread fully and am not up on the very latest rendering techniques. However, you seem to be assuming that the computation of the relationship between pairs of polygons will always be accurate. Have you tried this algorithm on real world databases with many thousands of polygons? There is no fast, perfect hidden surface or hidden line algorithm I know of. Ray tracing is very good and insensitive to local singularities which tend to be confined to one or two bad pixels. Other techniques will always fail on some databases in my experience. Singularities crop up in complex scenes. Accuracy is a more important consideration than speed in finished engineering work. For example, in my experience, the multi-million dollar (yes, I know that means nothing) CSG software we used could not generate a perfect hidden line view of our model which contained over 100,000 polygons with much fine detail and lots of trusses containing many points where several cones meet, each one involving dozens of polygons with a common point. Remember, this model is generated with floating point coordinates such that even if the final work is done in integer space, the result may be many polygons intersecting in arbitrary ways. Touch up work with white-out and a straight edge was very common when finished drawings were being produced. Other experience has show me that there is no perfect Computer Graphics Wizard solution to this type of problem. The "art" is to find algorithms that are fast and that fail rarely and that, in failure, produce only local errors as opposed to making large parts of the result incorrect. Hidden line views are particularly troublesome in this respect because often an entire line or a large portion of one is missing which is often much more noticable then some pixels being the wrong color. Hidden line rendering is required for driving plotters, among other uses. Your logic on why one particular algorithm is perfect does not convince me. It assumes that splitting polygons around others and other computations always result in a correct representation. In practice, I suspect that in testing this approach, you would refine it until you think that it is indeed perfect and then a customer will send you a model that fails in one particular orientation and view in a way that your program did not anticipate. You must then change your algorithm, probably slowing it down just a bit more and most likely destabalizing the code, fixing more failure modes than are added or maybe not. This is usually the development pattern of high end graphics packages that must be robust. We are learning much as the years go by and much of the problems which are encountered may be found in the literature. Still, in the final result, rendering code that must be accurate seems to wind up with a lot of magic in it and I think that is the experience reported by the poster, by myself and by everybody else I have encountered in my relatively limited exposure. David Levine (davidle@microsoft) (John Schultz) (12/19/90)
In <59890@microsoft.UUCP> davidle@microsoft.UUCP (David LEVINE) writes: >In article <> (Tom Duff) writes: >> >>It's fairly obvious that the algorithm cannot fail to depth-sort a scene, >>since whenever the depth order of two polygons cannot be determined, it >>replaces one of them by splitting it in two pieces, one on each side of the >>other (original) polygon. Since the algorithm refuses to allow polygons >>whose depth order cannot be determined to remain in the scene, the only >>possible failure mode would be non-termination, not incorrect depth-sorting. >>Non-termination is obviously out of the question, since each polygon can >>be split at most by each other (original) polygon in the scene. >> >>Maybe you could describe in more detail a simple scene on which your program >>fails? >I will admit that I have not followed this thread fully and am not up >on the very latest rendering techniques. However, you seem to be assuming >that the computation of the relationship between pairs of polygons will >always be accurate. He is correct, mathematically. >Have you tried this algorithm on real world databases with many thousands of >polygons? There is no fast, perfect hidden surface or hidden line >algorithm I know of. Ray tracing is very good and insensitive to local >singularities which tend to be confined to one or two bad pixels. Other >techniques will always fail on some databases in my experience. As has been previously stated, the Binary Space Partition and Depth Sort with splits, will work for *any* scene from *any* angle, regardless of the number of polygons. Study these algorithms to become enlightened. Mathematically, these schemes are robust, and could probably even be written as a proof (Tom?). Errors might occur due to loss of precision from excessive plane divisions, but errors will not occur due to an error in the algorithm, there are no "undefined" cases; it is completely general. >Other experience has show me that there is no perfect Computer Graphics >Wizard solution to this type of problem. The "art" is to find algorithms >that are fast and that fail rarely and that, in failure, produce only >local errors as opposed to making large parts of the result incorrect. Mathematicians have found the BSP and Depth Sort with Splits to be valid. Sometimes math (directed) over "art" (pure trial and error) gives best results. >Your logic on why one particular algorithm is perfect does not convince me. >It assumes that splitting polygons around others and other computations >always result in a correct representation. In practice, I suspect that >in testing this approach, you would refine it until you think that it is >indeed perfect and then a customer will send you a model that fails in >one particular orientation and view in a way that your program did not >anticipate. You must then change your algorithm, probably slowing it down >just a bit more and most likely destabalizing the code, fixing more failure >modes than are added or maybe not. Generalized solutions cannot fail, else they aren't generalized. The BSP is so simple (and fast) that you can readily see that it cannot fail to produce the correct representation. The BSP is as accurate as the formula to split two 3D planes. Check it out, you'll be pleasantly surprised (See "Computer Graphics, Principles and Practice", Addison Wesley). For doing engineering views of static scenes with variable viewing angles, the BSP is ideal, and probably the fastest method. One doesn't need to be a "Wizard", just persistent and open minded. John