[comp.graphics] BMP format

paul@images1.Waterloo.NCR.COM (Paul J. Latimer) (10/20/90)

I haven't seen anything on this in the last 200-300 news items,
so I felt that it was safe to ask...

I need some information on Microsoft's bitmap (.BMP) file format.
I don't need a conversion program.  I have a program that produces
some neat fractals, and would like to output them in .BMP format
so that I can use them for Windows 3.0 WallPaper.

Thanks in advance,
Paul J. Latimer,            Phone: (519)884-1710  FAX: (519)884-0610
Engineering Department,     E-Mail: Paul.J.Latimer@Waterloo.NCR.COM
NCR Canada Ltd., 580 Weber St. N., Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2J 4G5

reiterc@lafcol.UUCP (Reiter Clifford A) (12/15/90)

I have not seen any posting of the bmp graphics format
used in windows 3.  Does anyone have that format specification handy?
Is it available ftp ?  (I have not seen it)  I am especially interested
in the 16 and 256 color types if that matters.  Thanks

Cliff Reiter
Lafayette College, Math Dept, Easton, PA 18042

mathew@mantis.co.uk (mathew) (12/18/90)

reiterc@lafcol.UUCP (Reiter Clifford A) writes:
> I have not seen any posting of the bmp graphics format
> used in windows 3.  Does anyone have that format specification handy?

Yes. It's in Volume 2 of the Windows SDK Reference Manual, section 7-10.
It's also in the SDK Reference online help file.

Mantis Consultants, Unit 56, St. John's Innovation Centre, Cambridge. CB4 4WS.
mathew@mantis.co.uk \\ "CP/M is to metric as cockroaches are to a Timex watch"
ukc!ibmpcug!mantis!mathew -------------------\\ - booter@catnip.berkeley.ca.us

steed@hpcc01.HP.COM (Gary Steed) (12/20/90)

> I have not seen any posting of the bmp graphics format
> used in windows 3.  Does anyone have that format specification handy?
   I would like to know if there are any conversion programs to convert
   any format (like .xwd or .xbm) to .bmp?

   I have pbmplus but I didn't see anything there.


Gary Steed    				Hewlett-Packard Co.  
                                        CC&S Network Engineering
Unix:   steed@hpcc26.corp.hp.com        Palo Alto, CA. 

cwilson@sunc7 (Chris Wilson) (12/21/90)

The Windows Paint (or whatever it's called) loads in .PCX files and saves 
.BMP files, I believe.
