[comp.graphics] Tektronix Terminal Emulator

ccpaul@pollux.ucdavis.edu (01/04/91)

	I am looking for an emulator of Tektronix 41xx terminals that runs under X.
A commercial product is preferred but PD is ok too.  We would like to replace our
old Tektronix terminals with X terminals.  Does anyone have any ideas?
An email reply is fine.  Thanks in advance!

-- Paul


Paul W. Grant                     "Greifen heisst begreifen!"
Programmer/Analyst                internet:  pwgrant@ucdavis.edu
Computing Services                bitnet  :  pwgrant@ucdavis
University of California          uucp    :  ucdavis!pwgrant
Davis, California 95616-8563      telephone: (916)-752-8266


Paul W. Grant                     "Greifen heisst begreifen!"