[comp.graphics] gifs ...

bo@hubcap.clemson.edu (Bo Slaughter) (09/08/89)

I know this has probably been asked MANY times before, but I would
like a good, long list of anonymous FTP sites that have GIF files.

I just bought a VGA card and monitor for my PC, and I would like
to have some good stuff. Does anybody have some?

Bo Slaughter

ah2e+@andrew.cmu.edu (Aaron Noel Hughes) (08/21/90)

Does anybody know where I can obtain a program that will 1)allow me to
display GIF's on X Windows, and 2) allow me to convert GIF's to postscript
files so I can print them.



ccocsme@prism.gatech.EDU (StatMan) (08/22/90)

In article <YaoKFZ200WB2AkUEQq@andrew.cmu.edu> ah2e+@andrew.cmu.edu (Aaron Noel Hughes) writes:
>Does anybody know where I can obtain a program that will 1)allow me to
>display GIF's on X Windows,

xgif, xgifroot, xloadimage are just some of the programs that will do it
You can find those in comp.sources.x archives at uunet.uu.net (or any ftp
site that keeps those archives.

-- Marty

"Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore..." -- Dorothy Gale

Marty Esterman                                ccocsme@prism.gatech.edu
slow:Georgia Tech, Box 30896, Atlanta Georgia, 30332

daw@locus.com (Jeremy Daw) (12/22/90)

I'm looking for some PD images. Gifs or otherwise. Not interested in a bunch
of 'X' or 'R' pictures thanks. I assume a "gif" is just a scanned image.

I'm interested in surreal images, odd/wild stuff.

I also need a conversion program to convert gif's to deluxe paint or PCX,
or TIFF or macpaint. 

Does anyone know where to access these??? BBS's would be fine. Mail servers
are best since I don't have direct access onto the net (although with a 
little effort I can get it).

Thanks in advance
Jeremy Daw			daw@locus.com

Kai.Gamadia@f662.n250.z1.fidonet.org (Kai Gamadia) (01/06/91)

JD > I also need a conversion program to convert gif's to deluxe
JD > paint or PCX,
JD > or TIFF or macpaint. 
Hi! I might be able to help you there, if you are still interested.
I have a few conversion progs., but I will need a day or two to find 
them. I don't know where I got them from, but I could upload them 
here. Just leave a message if you still want the programs.
EGSGate Fidonet Gateway, Toronto (egsgate.fidonet.org)
...!{uunet, moore, lsuc}!eastern!egsgate