[comp.graphics] Using paint programs to edit bit maps

jdb@reef.cis.ufl.edu (Brian K. W. Hook) (01/12/91)

I am interested in writing an application that lets users call in bit maps.
However, these bit maps MUST be of a specified size (38x38 pixels) and are
16 color only.  Now, I could write my own paint program and read in the
bit maps directly, so I'd rather not reinvent the wheel.

Does anyone know of a popular pain program for such a thing?  If so,
please e-mail me and tell me where I can get the program, and, most 
importanylu, the format for its bit map.


PS Sorry if this is a FAQ...

frerichs@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu (David J Frerichs) (01/14/91)

if you are using a mac, the new Color ResEdit has anywhere from 2 to 8 bit
icon editing built in... with variable icon bitmap sizes.

 University of Illinois, Urbana		Designing VR systems that work...
 Dept. of Computer Engineering
 IEEE/SigGraph				Looking for cyberspace?
 frerichs@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu		Well stop your snivelin', son,
 frerichs@well.sf.ca.us		  	you've been in here all along!	   ]

grljl@hawk.ulowell.edu (John Peter Lee) (01/15/91)

Hello -

	I'm looking for a file conversion routine to transfer a 
	TIFF formatted image file to an "X" color image file. Any
	pointers would be greatly appreciated, and if such a crea-
	ture does not exist, we'll write one for public domain.

Thank You,

JPL - John Peter Lee	University of Lowell Graphics Research Lab