[net.cooks] Bread or Rice Pudding Recipes

renrut@ihu1e.UUCP (c turner) (03/29/85)

Wanted: bread or rice pudding recipes.

					C . Turner -- The Collector

sml@ccice5.UUCP (Sharon M. Levine) (04/02/85)

> Wanted: bread or rice pudding recipes.
> 					C . Turner -- The Collector

Here's an EASY recipe for rice pudding I learned from my mother - 

In a large saucepan, combine 1 part long grain rice to 5 parts
milk (i.e, 1/2 cup rice and 2 1/2 cups milk).  Bring to a boil,
then lower heat and simmer (stirring constantly) for approximately
20 minutes or until the rice has absorbed most of the milk and is
fully cooked.  Remove from heat and add sugar and cinnamin to
taste (1/4 cup? sugar, 1 tsp.? cinnamin for above example); raisins
may also be added.  May be served either warm or cold.  More milk may
need to be added as the pudding cools; just add as much as needed
to get to the right consistency.

Sorry for the vague amounts; I made some just last night, but I
couldn't tell you exactly how much sugar and cinnamin I used!
(Dump some in...yeah, looks good!)

		Sharon Levine
		Computer Consoles Inc.
		ccice5:sml (CCI Central Engineering systems only)
		{rochester, ritcv, ccivax, rayssd, rlgvax}!ccice5!sml (UUCP)

kcm@cybvax0.UUCP (Keith C. MacKinnon) (04/04/85)

   When the holiday seasons come and eggnog comes out try putting about
a half and half mixture of milk and eggnog in the puddings, this gives 
the pudding a richer and more thicker taste and texture. Make sure it
is half and half, or you could try a little heavy cream for you rich

Keith Mackinnon

jpexg@mit-hermes.ARPA (John Purbrick) (04/05/85)

> Wanted: bread or rice pudding recipes.
> 					C . Turner -- The Collector

Meaning no disparagement to those who do stovetop rice pudding, in our family
we cook it low and slow.

Put in a casserole: 1/3 cup rice, 1/3 cup sugar and 1 quart milk. A few raisins
if you like them or to make the kids more enthusiastic. Cover and place in a 
preheated 325 degree oven. Bake for 3 hours, stirring 3 times in 1st hour.
Supplies medium sized servings for a medium sized family, or a complete meal
for two hungry adults.

			John Purbrick