[comp.graphics] Radiosity Implementation

sumant@ncst.ernet.in (Sumant N Pattanaik) (02/10/91)

I have carried out some Radiosity implementations as part of the
investigation into light equilibrium based rendering methods
for my doctoral work. To test the implementation,
I have used a very simplified scene modeler, BOX.
BOX supports only box as the modeling primitive and
translation and scaling as the modeling transformation.

I am looking for some good planar surface model data.
Interested netters may please send me data with the data
format. I will try to provide the input interface for the
sent data formats.

The implementation is available at our FTP site
(pub/Rad.0.1.tar.Z at sbs.ncst.ernet.in ip#
In case of any difficulty in getting from the FTP site,
please send me mail on sumant@shakti.ernet.in.
I will send the UUENCODED compressed tar file.

The system has been tested both on SUN and VAX is expected to run on
any UNIX platform.

Further, I invite comments and suggestions from the interested users.
national centre for software technology,bombay,india