[comp.graphics] Electronic Graphic Story needs help

tczarnik@cup.portal.com (Tom A Czarnik) (02/15/91)

 ==|> If you sent me mail, I got it. Replies will go out 2/15/91 <|==

   I'm looking for any volunteers that are willing to lend some time
and effort to the development of an "electronic comic/graphic"; the
project is already underway. The comic will exist on the Macintosh,
Amiga, MS-DOS, and Unix (though a little later) environments.
   We need application programmers and artists. If you got
experince with X-windows, C, (or any bleeding language),
illustration, grapgic design, or The fine arts GREAT! Though we are
currently using PD run-time software, the uses of such is limiting.
I feel it will lead us to a dead-end soon. The project will be
coordinated by myself thru the Net, so it doesn't matter were you
live, work, or play. I've gotten several replies to my first
message posted on => rec.games.programmer <=, but not enough.

    What exactly is the project:

A series of stories surrounding characters set in a speculative
reality. The graphics would be still, but include moving stills
and sound effects. We are supporting all sound option on target
computers and maintaining compatible code thru C. However I
need all skills, so don't let that discourage you.

    You mean a Cyber-punk Universe:

No. The story mixes the best of traditional Twain, Hemingway,
Shakespare, and Harlan Ellison (no don't leave yet). Wow, what
a weird combo! If you don't like it, please don't let that
turn you off. Help us. Throw in ideas. I'm not going to post
a full treatment to keep Net mail low.

    How are you going to manage the project:

It will all be managed thru Usenet mail. I am setting up a drop
box for all mail. All team members can send mail to the box with
"Attn" notices attached to different parts of their mail. My system
will strip out the appropiate message for the particular person.
Or you can send it to them directly. There is no pratical way to
do this otherwise.

    Why are you doing this:

Why not? Two reasons. I want to, and as a test to see if it can
be done. Just like the Wright Bros experiment. I don't want you
to take that in the wrong manner; I don't think of this as a
joke. I've put my guts into this.

    How long will this last:

When we start in with the issues, about one year (12 issues total).
Maybe longer, maybe shorter. We will have to see. I'd like to start
with the team as early as summer, there is more time then.

 (got you baited yet, whether your a student or professional I
 want you)

    Who owns the comic:

Good question! Well it would be my company - Profile Design. No I'm
not working ya for free. I won't charge anything, and don't plan
on cashing in on any part of it. If someone approaches, then ya
all can share the wealth equally, but I doubt that will happen.

    Why should I do it: (last question)

It will be fun. Think of it as experience. I plan on getting everbody
together at the end of it for a wild party. Maybe a still shot in
our last issue.

If you want to help out (please) and are anywhere in the US please
drop me mail (DON'T POST HERE!). If you know someone who might be
interested then have them email me. Students are very welcome.
I'll be taking mail on this for about 2 months.
        (If your outside the US drop a note anyways)

Artist please put "Attn: Steve Graziano" in the first line of
your mail. He's in charge of all conceptual design.
Thanks a lot for listening thru this, and I hope you will consider.

Tom Czarnik,                            Steve Graziano,
student                                 student
worker bee                              worker bee

Internet: tczarnik@cup.portal.com
UUCP    : sun!apple!portal!cup.portal.com!tczarnik
or      : uunet!portal!cup.portal.com!tczarnik
p b