[comp.graphics] Graphic Files at OSU for your use.

unx20065@unx2.ucc.okstate.edu (unx20065) (02/18/91)

I have the following graphics ststems and other text and programs of
that might be of interest to you.  They are in these directory's.  If
you want them then let me know by E-Mail.  To keep the disk use down,
for these, If there is enough interest then these could possibly be put
into a root directory for using or accessing source.  

	DKB     	- DKB Ray Tracer.
	SHWGIF.EXE	- GIF image viewer for IBM PC.
	VGAIMG11.ZOO	- Another GIF viewer
	VGIF.DOC	- Doc file for VGIF
	VGIF.EXE	- Another GIF Viewer for IBM PC
	VUGIF.DOC	- Yet another GIF viewer doc file
	bitrotate.txt	- text file on rotating bitmapped images
	blobby.surface	- text file on rendering blobby surfaces
	cg.books	- top 10 books on computer graphics
	circles.code	- c source for drawing circle
	colorcompress1	- color quantizer 
	colorcompress2	- color quantizer
	cordic1.code	- source code to draw cordic
	dither12.code	- dithering algorithm
	dither4.code	- dithering algorithm
	ellipse.code	- source code to draw an ellipse
	fill1.code	- flood fill algorithm
	fill2.code	- flood fill algorithm
	map24to8.code	- color quantizer
	map24to8.code2	- color quantizer
	map24to8.code3	- color quantizer
	map24to8.txt	- string of mail files relating to color quantizer
	pictorle.c	- sorce to convert pict format to RLE format
	polyclip.code	- polygon clipping routine
	polyclip2.code	- polygon clipping routine
	polygon2triang	- convert polygons to objects from triangles
	refraction.cod	- refraction algorithm
	refraction.txt	- text file on refraction
	sphere.c	- code to generate a sphere
	sphigs		- SPHIGS graphics library.
	srgp		- SRGP (Simple Raster Graphics Package)
	tesselsphere.s	- how to tesselate a sphere
	tiff.tar	- tiff format
	vogle.tar	- vogle raytracer.

The next files are source files to go along with the books from
O-Reilly & Associates.


	MHxmh		- source to go along with MHxmh: E-Mail for user's and
			  Programmers book
	lexyacc		- sorce to accompany Lex & Yacc book
	other		- various other source from books
	perl		- sorce code to accompany the Programming in PERL book
	sedawk		- sorce code to accompany the Sed & Awk book
	usingc		- source code to accompany Using C on the UNIX System 

These files are on UNX1.  If you want some of the files on the other
system, then you can ftp them.  DON'T wast disk space to put a copy in
your directory.  If you get it put it in the tmp dir or ask the UCC for
permission to put thjese in a root directory.  

	DKB		- DKB Ray Tracer ( here for comparison )
	GemsSource	- source code to accompany Graphic Gems book
	MTV		- MTV Raytracer
	OHTA		- OHTA Raytracer
	QRT		- Quick Ray Tracer
	Quickdraw	- simulates apple quickdraw
	Ray2		- very simple Raytracer
	RPI		- RPI Raytracer
	RayShade	- Rayshade Raytracer
	SPD		- RayTracer testing software
	SPHIGS		- SPHIGS graphics library
	SRGP		- simple raster graphics package
	Colorquant	- color quantizer
	dither		- dithering algorithm
	mini-RT		- very simple Raytracer
	othersrc	- other various graphics source
	rayfilters	- filters for raytracing outlput

To contact me send E-Mail to unx20065@unx2.ucc.okstate.edu