ivan@cwi.nl (Ivan Herman) (02/26/91)
********************************* * SECOND EUROGRAPHICSG WORKSHOP * * ON * * RENDERING * ********************************* CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS BARCELONA (Spain), 13-15 MAY 1991 AIMS AND SCOPE Following a successful workshop on photorealistic rendering held in June 1990 in Rennes, and a meeting held during the EUROGRAPHICS'90 Conference, we now announce a second workshop on rendering techniques. The aim of this workshop is to improve the exchange of experiences and knowledge between people interested on the different aspects of Rendering Techniques. The selected main topics for this Workshop are: - Radiosity. - Ray Tracing. - Illumination models. - Colour. - Texture mapping. - Sampling, filtering, anti-aliasing. These subjects do not exclude other subjects such as: display algorithms in general, VLSI and multi-processor implementations, curved sufaces,... To submit a contribution, authors are requested to send four copies of an extended abstract (up to 6 pages) to the workshop secretariat (see below for relevant deadlines). Abstracts submitted after the deadline will still be considered, but will have a lower priority for inclusion in the program. Invitations to submit revised versions for publication in the EurographicSeminar Series of Springer Verlag will depend on the quality of the contributions. Taking part without submitting a paper may be possible. WORKSHOP FORMAT The workshop is limited to about 50 participants. Full papers will be presented to the plenum, while specialised groups will be formed for dicussion sessions. SCHEDULE 28 February 1991 ......... Extended abstract deadline. 1 April 1991 ............ Notification of acceptance for the workshop. 13-15 May 1991 ........... Workshop and full paper. 30 June 1991 ............. Notification of acceptance for publication. VENUE AND FEE The workshop will be held in Barcelona. The fee will be around 100ECUs, including lunch and proceedings. The secretariat may help attendants to find accomodation. ORGANIZATION The workshop is organized by EUROGRAPHICS Spanish Chapter and the Dept. of Software ( Computer Graphics Section) of the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya and promoted by EUROGRAPHICS and ATI (the Spanish Society for Computer Science). Organizing Chairman: X.Pueyo(E). Programme Committee Chairmen: P.Brunet(ES), F.Jansen(NL). Programme Committee:P.Brunet(E), K.Bouatouch(F), U.Claussen(D), M.Cohen(USA), A.Gagalowicz(F), B.Heal(UK), F.Jansen(NL), D.Kroemker(D), B.Peroche(F), W.Purgathofer(A), P.Rekola(FI), R.Scopigno(I), F.Sillion(USA), W.Strasser(D). For further Informations Adress: X.Pueyo Dept.Llenguatges i Sistemes Informatics Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya Av. Diagonal, 647 planta 8 08028-BARCELONA Spain phone: 34-3-4016667 fax: 34-3-4016600 email: eapueyo@ebrupc51.bitnet xavier@lsi.upc.es