[comp.graphics] Specular reflection, R dot V, N dot H

jack@shograf.COM (Jack Ritter) (02/28/91)

In the new Foley & Van Damm et all,
on page 731, a cheap approximation to
the specular componant R dot V can
be calculated via the "halfway vector".
This predictably over-estimates when
the view vector is in the L R plane.
Has anyone looked into improving the
estimate when the view vec. is not
in the plane?
(doubling the exponent n, to compensate
for the approximation's spreading-out effect, helps!)

Jack Ritter
SHO Graphics
1890 N Shoreline Blvd.
Mountain View, CA 94043
email: jack@shograf.com
Tele:  (415) 903-3867