edwardsc@cs.glasgow.ac.uk (Chris Edwards) (03/08/91)
Our 3rd year project involves porting the Utah Raster Toolkit to the mac, and bu ilding a mac style user interface. The toolkit source contains an MPW Makefile for the URT library, but I get error s at almost every line of this Makefile. Also I have tried compiling in THINK C, but have run into integer overflow problems. I believe some (or all) of the toolkit has already been ported by John Peterson - does anyone have his email address. Chris Edwards Mail: Chris Edwards, Computing Science Dept., Glasgow Univ., 17 Lilybank Gardens, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK. ARPA: edwardsc%cs.glasgow.ac.uk@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk USENET:edwardsc@glasgow.uucp