[comp.graphics] Plot spooler for Macintosh

pdbourke@ccu1.aukuni.ac.nz (Bourke) (03/10/91)

I have been involved in the development of a utility application for 
heavy users of a plotter from the Macintosh. At the moment we are
looking for some test sites to check out any attributes of
systems others may have that we haven't anticipated, to gauge 
interest and get any further suggestions.

The application at the moment does the following
- allows the user to select a collection of plot files either 
  individually or by folder
- set up serial communication settings, these are remembered
- plot all the collected plot files or any single file
- when multiple files are plotted the user is optionally
  prompted to insert the next sheet of paper
- replot any particular pen from any plot file, this is useful
  if a single pen runs out during a multipen plot
- runs in the backgund under multifinder

We have tested the utility primarily with HPGL serial plotters
using plot files from VersaCAD. MicroStation, and Claris CAD.

The next release will sort the plot vectors so as to minimise
the travel distance of the pen in the up position. Initial tests 
show that this can save up to 50% on the plotting time.

To receive the current version you will be required to indicate
the hardware system you are using, the make of plotter, the
application creating the plot file, any problems encountered,
any suggestions, etc...

From:      pdbourke@ccu1.aukuni.ac.nz
AppleLink: NZ0028
Postage:   P.D.Bourke
           Architecture School, Auckland University
           Private Bag
           New Zealand
PH:        NZ (09) 737 999 x7367
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