[comp.graphics] maps and info graphics

ELE@psuvm.psu.edu (Jeremy Crampton) (03/11/91)

In article <27DAA30E.20679@ics.uci.edu>, honig@ics.uci.edu (David Honig) says:

>On a separate issue related to Eugene's comments about the information in
>maps, take a look at Edward Tufte's recent books on displaying quantitative
>information.  They explain what makes a good graphic objectively and
>are excellent reading.

This prompts me to announce a new list for the discussion of information
graphics with a strong cartography element, namely INGRAFX.
I will be posting a fuller announcement soon, but those who are
curious can subscribe by sending a note to LISTSERV at PSUVM.PSU.EDU
with the text 'sub INGRAFX <your real name here>' without the '' of course.

Tufte's views are a very likely topic of conversation, and a review
of his new book will be posted soon.

--                    "...all we are saying,
jeremy..               is give Peaks a chance"          ele@psuvm.psu.edu