(ONG ENG TENG) (03/21/91)
Hi guys, does anyone have the file format (or even just a file) for uncompressed 256-color or 256-grey tone .TIF file format? I once (long time ago) had it but have misplaced it. Its got something like 174 bytes of header and then the data in bitmap. I also remember there is a byte in the header indicating how many bits the data is (8 in my case) and how many possible values (256 in my case). Even if you only have the file (but not the file format), could you just uuencode it and email it to me? I just need the header and can probably figure out how the data is set in the file and where are the important stuff in the header. However, it has to be a 256-color or 256-grey tone file. Thanks in advance. E. Teng Ong (