[comp.graphics] San Diego Supercomputer Software Announcement

nadeau@network.ucsd.edu (Dave Nadeau) (03/26/91)

			   San Diego Supercomputer Center
			Image File Format Conversion Tools
				    Release 1.0
				  March 25, 1991

The San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) is pleased to announce the binary
release of its image file format conversion tools.

These tools currently support the following image file formats:

	Format  Description
	------- --------------------------------------------------------
	cgm     Computer Graphics Metafile
	gif     Compuserve Graphics image file
	hdf     Hierarchical Data File
	iff     Sun TAAC Image File Format
	mpnt    Apple Macintosh MacPaint file
	pbm     Portable Bitmap file
	pic     PIXAR picture file
	pict    Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT file
	pix     Alias image file
	ps      PostScript file
	ras     Sun Rasterfile
	rgb     SGI RGB image file
	rla     Wavefront raster image file
	rle     Utah Run length encoded image file
	rpbm    Raw portable Bitmap file
	synu    Synu image file
	tiff    Tagged image file
	x       Stardent AVS X image file
	xbm     X11 bitmap file
	xwd     X Window System window dump image file

Multiple variants of each format are supported (monochrome, color index, RGB,
RGB+Alpha, uncompressed, run-length encoded, with and without color maps, etc),
as appropriate to the format.

These tools are available for the following UNIX machine architectures:

	Architecture	Description
	--------------- ------------------------------------------------
	alliantfx2800	Alliant Computers, FX/2800
	alliantfx80	Alliant Computers, FX/80
	crayy		Cray Research, Cray Y-MP
	sgi4d		Silicon Graphics, SGI 4D
	sun4		Sun Microsystems, Sun 4 and SPARC

Other architectures will be added in the future.

SDSC software products are available via anonymous ftp from 'sdsc.edu' (VMS).
The anonymous ftp directory tree is structured by machine architecture, and
then by topic.  For instance, to get the image tools for a sun4, use:

	ftp> cd sdscpub
	ftp> cd sun4
	ftp> cd graphics
	ftp> cd [.sdscpub.sun4.graphics]

	ftp> type binary
	ftp> get imtools_tar.z imtools.tar.Z

imtools_tar.z is a compressed tar archive.  imtools_cpio.z is a compressed
cpio archive.

Binaries, man pages (nroff source and post-nroff), and release notes are
included.  Source will be available in the future.  00README's and 00INDEX's
in the ftp directories explain their contents.  To get one of these, use:

	ftp> get 00README 00README
	ftp> get 00INDEX 00INDEX

If you have any questions, please contact SDSC at:
	E-mail:		info@sdsc.edu
	Phone:		(619) 534-5100, 8am-5pm, pacific time

Thank you.
			Dave Nadeau
			Advanced Scientific Visualization Laboratory
			San Diego Supercomputer Center