jdm5548@tamsun.tamu.edu (James Darrell McCauley) (03/30/91)
I posted a few days ago asking for images for which textural features are known. I have a group of images that are supposedly discussed in a book by Phil Brodatz (see the list below). Does anyone have features calculated for these images? (size filename) 4096 bara 4096 barb 4096 barc 4096 bard 4096 grassa 4096 grassb 4096 grassc 4096 grassd 4096 hola 4096 holb 4096 holc 4096 hold 4096 raffa 4096 raffb 4096 raffc 5536 segment 4096 texa 4096 texb 4096 texc 4096 texd 4096 watera 4096 waterb 4096 waterc 4096 waterd 4096 wooda 4096 woodb 4096 woodc 4096 woodd 4096 woola 4096 woolb 4096 woolc 4096 woold 6384 d 6384 d1 6384 d2 6384 d3 2144 tex1 2144 tex3 2144 tex4 2144 tex5 -- James Darrell McCauley (jdm5548@diamond.tamu.edu, jdm5548@tamagen.bitnet) Spatial Analysis Lab, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 77843-2117, USA