bobl@tessi.uucp (Bob Lewis) (03/28/91)
I'm trying to find out if, when, and where Graphics Interface (the principal Canadian graphics conference) will be taking place this year. As near as I can tell, neither the professional journals nor news.announce.conferences have anything to say about it. Is it still on? Thanks in advance. - Bob Lewis ...!reed!tessi!bobl (Zoran Kacic-Alesic) (04/02/91)
Graphics Interface '91 and Vision Interface '91 will be held June 3-7, 1991 at the University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Inquires about registration and accommodation should be sent to Billie Summers Conference Office The University of Calgary 2500 University Drive N.W. Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4 Canada Phone: (403) 220-4987 Fax: (403) 289-7287 If everything else fails, conference brochures (with Preliminary Program, Registration and Accommodation forms) can also be obtained from Camille Sinanan Department of Computer Science University of Calgary Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4 Canada Phone: (403) 220-6316 E-mail: Please do not reply to me because I am unable to provide any additional information. Thanks! See you in Calgary in June, Zoran -- -------------------------------------------- Zoran Kacic-Alesic --------------------------------------------
jch@Stardent.COM (Jan Hardenbergh) (04/02/91)
> I'm trying to find out if, when, and where Graphics Interface (the principal > Canadian graphics conference) will be taking place this year. As near as I > can tell, neither the professional journals nor news.announce.conferences > have anything to say about it. Is it still on? ...dig, dig... > From: (peter shirley) > Date: 18 Sep 90 01:43:21 GMT > Graphics Interface '91 is the seventeenth Canadian Conference devoted to > computer graphics and interactive techniques, and is the oldest regularly > scheduled computer graphics conference in the world. Now an annual > conference, film festival, and tutorials, Graphics Interface has > established a reputation for a high-quality technical program. The 1991 > conference will be held in Calgary, Alberta, June 3-7 1991 in conjunction > with Vision Interface '91. Graphics Interface '91 is sponsored by the > Canadian Man-Computer Communications Society. > FOR GENERAL INFORMATION: > > Wayne A. Davis > GI '91 General Chairman > Department of Computing Science > University of Alberta > Edmonton, Alberta, Canada > T6G 2H1 > > Tel: 403-492-3976 > EMail: usersams@ualtamts.bitnet -- -Jan "YON" Hardenbergh (508)-371-9810x261 Stardent Computer, 6 N.E. Tech Center, 521 Virginia Rd,Concord, MA 01742