kodiak@matt.ksu.ksu.edu (Bryan Nehl) (04/09/91)
I am looking at switching from MSC v5.1 to the new BC++. What I am wondering is if anybody has compared the speed of graphics based programs developed with MSC against the speed of the "same" program in BC++. Since the main thing that I have been doing is graphics based I don't want to switch compilers and find out that the speed of the graphics has decreased. If you have done any comparisons of this sort please post your results. Thanks. Bryan. /* === Bryan Nehl ========== kodiak@Kodiakpc.Manhattan.KS.US =========+ [ Software Engineer (USDA-ARS-NPA-WERU) ][ bdn@chepil.weru.ksu.edu ] [ 913.532.6233 or 913.532.6495 ][ kodiak@matt.ksu.ksu.edu ] +_______________ ...!rutgers!matt.ksu.ksu.edu!kodiak _______________ */