[comp.graphics] Computer Animation '91 - Geneva, Switzerland

lingg@uni2a.unige.ch (04/11/91)

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Organized by The Computer Graphics Society, the University of Geneva and
the Swiss Federal Institute for Technology
May 22 - 24, 1991, Geneva, Switzerland.

                             * * * * *

                        Conference President

Nadia MAGNENAT THALMANN, University of Geneva, Switzerland

                        Program committee

Daniel THALMANN, President of the Program committee, EPFL, Switzerland
Tosiyasu L. KUNII, University of Tokyo, Japan
Nadia MAGNENAT THALMANN, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Gavin MILLER, Apple Computer, USA
Gregory NIELSON, Arizona State University, USA
Gary RIDSDALE, University of Utah, USA
Demetri TERZOPOULOS, University of Toronto, Canada
Keith WATERS, Schlumberger Laboratories, USA

                             * * * * *

                 Thursday, May 23 - Presentations

                    9:00 - 9:15 Opening session

Message de bienvenue de Monsieur Paolo URIO, Doyen de la faculte des Sciences 
Economiques et Sociales, Universite de Geneve
Message de Madame Nadia  MAGNENAT THALMANN, Presidente de la Conference, 
Universite de Geneve (Suisse) 
Message of the Founder and Past President of the Computer Graphics Society, 
Tosiyasu L. KUNII, University of Tokyo (Japan)

               9:15 - 10:30 Invited Lecture (Session 1)

Chair : Michael Girard, National Institute for Computer Animation (The 
Lecture on Natural Phenomena, Gavin MILLER, Apple Computer (USA)

               11:00 - 12:15 Invited Lecture (Session 2)

Chair : Tat-Seng Chua, National University of Singapore
Lecture on Physics-based Models, Demetri TERZOPOULOS, University of Toronto 

                13:30 - 14:45 Invited Lecture (Session 3)
Chair : Tosiyasu L. Kunii, University of Tokyo (Japan)
Lecture on Facial Animation, Frederic I. Parke, New York Institute of 
Technology (USA)

              14:45 - 16:00 Facial Animation I (Session 4)

Chair : Frederic I. Parke, New York Institute of Technology (USA)
Invited Paper : Techniques for Realistic Facial Modeling and Animation, 
Demetri Terzopoulos, University of Toronto (Canada), Keith WATERS, 
Schlumberger Research Lab (USA)
A Transformation Method for Modeling and Animation of the Human Face from 
Photographs, Tsuneya Kurihara, Kiyoshi Arai, Hitachi Research Laboratory 
Facial Animation by Spatial Mapping, Elisabeth C. Patterson, 
Peter C. LITWINOWICZ, Ned GREENE, Apple Computer (USA)

                         17:30 - 19:00 Cocktail 

This reception is hosted by the city of Geneva. It will take place at the 
Palais Eynard, 4 rue de la Croix-Rouge (near the main university building).

                             * * * * *

                    Friday, May 24 - Presentations

       9:00 - 10:15 Rendering Techniques in Animation (Session 5)

Chair : Susan AMKRAUT, National Institute for Computer Animation 
        (The Netherlands)
Invited paper : FOREST : an Interacting Tree Model for Visualizing Forest 
Formation Processes by Algorithmic 
Computer Animation - a Case Study of a Tropical Rain Forest, Tosiyasu L. Kunii,
Hirohisa Enomoto, University of Tokyo (Japan)
Utilizing Parallel Processing in Computer Animation, Frank van Reeth, 
Eddy Flerackers, Limburg Universitair Centrum (Belgium)
Dynamical Scenes Management for Animation with Ray-Tracing Rendering, 
Herve Maurel, Bruno Moisan, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Yves Duthen, Rene Caubet, 
Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse (France)

              10:15 - 11:00 Facial Animation II (Session 6)

Chair : Nadia Magnenat thalmann, University of Geneva (Switzerland)
Invited Paper : Control Parameterization for Facial Animation, 
Frederic I. Parke, New York Institute of Technology (USA)
Issues in Facial Animation, Catherine Pelachaud, Norman I. Badler, 
Mark Steedman, University of Pennsylvania (USA)

                11:30 - 12:45 Animation Systems (Session 7)

Chair : Daniel THALMANN, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Switzerland)
Invited paper : MacBounce : A Dynamics-based Modeler for Character Animation, 
Gavin miller, Apple Computer (USA)
AnimationPlatform : A Data Management System for Modeling Moving Objects, 
Myeong W. Lee, Tosiyasu L. Kunii, University of Tokyo (Japan)
Extensions of the Color Cell Compression Algorithm, Markus Pins, Universitaet 
Karlsruhe (Germany)

              14:00 - 14:50 Animation Techniques (Session 8)

Chair : Demetri Terzopoulos, University of Toronto (Canada)
Invited Paper : Toward an Integrated Motion-Synthesis Environment, 
Susan Amkraut, Michael Girard, National Institute for Computer Animation 
(The Netherlands)
Tools for Artists, Michel Bret, Universite de Paris 8 (France)

          14:50 - 16:30 Human Modeling and Animation (Session 9)

Chair : Gavin miller, Apple Computer (USA)
Generation of Human Motion with Emotion, Munetoshi Unuma, Ryozo Takeuchi, 
Hitachi Research Laboratory (Japan)
Creating Realistic Three-Dimensional Human Shape Characters for Computer-
Generated Films, Arghyro Paouri, Nadia Magnenat Thalmann, Daniel Thalmann, 
University of Geneva and Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Switzerland)
Design of Realistic Gaits for the Purpose of Animation, 
Nickos Vasilonikolidakis, Gordon J. Clapworthy, The Polytechnic of North 
London (UK)
Planning Human Movement through Computer Animation, Olov Fahlander, 
Jonas Yngvesson, Inge Wallin, Linkoping University (Sweden)

                   16:30 - 16:40 Closing Session

                             * * * * *

                      Mercredi 22 mai - Cours

          9:30 - 17:30 Animation par ordinateur et realite virtuelle

Ce cours, donne en francais uniquement, est destine aux professionnels de 
l'image tels que les graphistes, animateurs, infographistes et ingenieurs 
en visualisation scientifique ou a toute personne impliquee dans la reali-
sation ou l'utilisation de l'animation par ordinateur. Le cours est aussi 
consacre en grande partie a la realite virtuelle, nouvelle approche permettant
a l'animateur, grace a des techniques d'interaction et d'animation en temps 
reel, d'evoluer et d'interagir dans le monde 3D qu'il a construit. En parti-
culier, le cours montrera le potentiel en animation de nouveaux equipements 
du type "dataglove" (gant permettant a l'ordinateur de connaitre a tout 
instant la position des doigts de l'animateur), la "spaceball" (boule 
permettant de controler la position des objets animes et de leur faire subir 
des forces). Les participants pourront voir fonctionner de tels equipements 
au laboratoire MIRALab. En particulier, ils assisteront a des demonstrations 
du "dataglove", d'un sculpteur et d'un manipulateur dynamique de camera 
virtuelle bases sur l'utilisation de la "spaceball".

Les participants a ce cours pourront aussi suivre :
  - les concepts de base en animation (animation par dessins-cles, controle 
    du temps, splines, animation de personnages, animation comportementale,...)
  - l'interaction graphique tridimensionnelle et la realite virtuelle 
  - des etudes de cas de films par ordinateur tres connus au niveau 

Pour introduire le sujet, Philippe Queau, responsable du programme d'IMAGINA,
donnera un expose intitule :

                   "Vertu et virtuosite du virtuel"

Plusieurs conferenciers animeront le cours et donneront des demonstrations :
  - Francis BALAGUER, Laboratoire d'infographie, EPFL
  - John LINGG, MIRALab, CUI, Universite de Geneve
  - Nadia MAGNENAT THALMANN, Professeur, MIRALab, CUI, Universite de Geneve
  - Laurent MOCCOZET, MIRALab, CUI, Universite de Geneve
  - Angelo MANGILI, Laboratoire d'infographie, EPFL
  - Arghyro PAOURI, MIRALab, CUI, Universite de Geneve
  - Olivier RENAULT, Laboratoire d'infographie, EPFL
  - Daniel THALMANN, Professeur, Laboratoire d'infographie, EPFL

                             * * * * *

           International Computer-Generated Film Festival

The Fourth International Computer-Generated Film Festival will present a 
selection of films from all over the world. The films, selected by a 
Committee, will be in competition. A panel of judges will distribute 
several awards including the Award of the City of Geneva, le Jet d'Or. 
The official selection will be shown on May 22 and 23 from 20:30 to 22:00. 
A third show will take place on Friday, May 24 along with the anouncement 
of Awards.

Note : the Computer-Generated Film Festival will take place in salle Piaget, 
UNI-DUFOUR, 24 rue du General-Dufour, Geneva (Switzerland)

                             * * * * *

Convention location :  Battelle, Building A (near the cafeteria), 
                       7 route de Drize, CH-1227 Carouge, Geneve

Secretariat : Evelyne Kohl, Centre Universitaire d'Informatique,
              Universite de Geneve, 12 rue du Lac, CH-1207 Geneve, 
              tel. (+41 22) 787 6580, fax (+41 22) 735 3905

Registration fees (in SFr) :

I)   Cours du 22 mai 1991 (en francais seulement) 

                                        Avant le        Apres le
                                        30 avril        30 avril
     Par participant                      240.-           290.-
     Prix special etudiant                 60.-           100.-

     L'inscription au cours comprend :

     - la participation au cours
     - le livre en couleurs "Computer Animation '91" (sauf pour les 
       beneficiaires du prix special etudiant)
     - des notes de cours complementaires
     - le cafe aux pauses
     - le cocktail de bienvenue du jeudi 23 mai a 17:30

     Remarque: Inscriptions dans la limite  des places disponibles.

II)  Presentations (23-24 mai / May 23-24)

                                         Before           After
                                        April 30         April 30
     Students                             100.-          100.-
     Others                               390.-          460.-
     One day pass                         290.-          290.-

     These fees cover :

     - welcome cocktail on Thursday, May 23, at 17:30
     - access to all talks and panels
     - the book "Computer Animation '91", with full integrated colour 
       (except for beneficiaries of student price)
     - coffee breaks
     - admission to International Computer-Generated Film Festival

     The registration to one day pass includes :

     - welcome cocktail Thursday, May 23, at 17:30
     - attendance to any talk and panel during the selected day
     - coffee breaks
     - admission the International Computer-Generated Film Festival

III) Entrance fee to the International Computer-Generated Film Festival

     Admission to International Computer-Generated 
     Film Festival                                       10.-

IV)  Book (full integrated color)                       150.-

Registration procedures :

Prospective participants should complete the enclosed registration form 
and return it to :

	Evelyne Kohl
	Universite de Geneve
	Centre Universitaire d'Informatique
	12, rue du Lac
	CH-1207 Geneve (Switzerland)
	fax:  (+4122) 735 3905

Registration form without payment will not be taken into account.

Payment :

All payments should be made in Swiss Francs
For Switzerland : by CCP 12-9778-3, Universite de Geneve, Fondations 
Universitaires, for deposit to CGI account number 118176
For other countries : by bank transfer only (no check) to Union Bank of 
Switzerland, Geneva, UNI II 472-319-00D, CGI account number 118176
Don't forget to mention your name and the account number.

                             * * * * *

Hotel Reservation

Please make hotel reservation on receipt of this program. Communicate with :

Philippe Urech
Universite de Geneve
Centre Universitaire d'Informatique
12, rue du Lac
CH-1207 Geneva, Switzerland
Fax: (+41 22) 735 3905
E-mail : urech@uni2a.unige.ch


Hotel	                                               room rate
	                                            in Swiss Francs

LUTETIA***                                 Single          110.-
(downtown, 12 rue de Carouge               Double          130.-
CH-1205 Geneva)

LE GRENIL***                               Single           80.-
(downtown, 7, avenue Sainte-Clotilde,      Double          100.-
CH-1205 Geneva)

All prices are in Swiss Francs per room per night including services and taxes.
All rooms have private bathrooms.

Please indicate to Philippe Urech :

     - your name
     - your address (including phone, fax and e-mail)
     - accompagnying persons
     - your arrival date
     - number of nights

Please enclose hotel deposit for each room (first night only).No reservations 
can be confirmed without one night's deposit per room. Please use credit cards 
(no check) and give the name, card number and expiration date. The deposit 
will be forwarded to the hotel and credited to the participant hotel account. 
Participants are responsible for paying their own hotel account before 
departure. The hotel deposit will be refunded only if notice of cancellation 
is received by Philippe Urech before May 10, 1991.

                             * * * * *
                         Registration form
                       Computer Animation '91, 
                         Geneva, Switzerland, 
                          May, 21-24, 1991

Nom / Name : ____________________________________________________________

Prenom / Firstname : ____________________________________________________

Societe / Company : _____________________________________________________

Adresse / Address : _____________________________________________________

Code Postal / Zip Code : ______________   Pays / Country : ______________

Ville / City : __________________________________________________________

Tel. /Phone : _________________________   Fax : _________________________

E-mail : ______________________________

Registration fees (in SFr) :

Cours (22 mai)
   avant le 30 avril (240.-) apres le 30 avril (290.-)        _________

   etudiants : avant le 30 avril (60.-) apres le 30 avril (100.-) _____

Conference (May, 23-24)
   before April 30 (390.-)                                    _________

   after April 30 (460.-)                                     _________

   students (100.-)                                           _________

One day pass (290.-) selected day :_________                  _________

Subscription to Computer Graphics Society (210.-)             _________
                                                      Total ___________

The registration form is to be returned to :

     Evelyn Kohl, 
     CUI, Universite de Geneve, 
     12 rue du Lac, 
     CH-1207 Geneve, Switzerland

All payments should be made in Swiss Francs (mention your name and account 
For Switzerland : by CCP 12-9778-3, Universite de Geneve, Fondations 
Universitaires, for deposit to CGI account number 118176; For other 
countries : by bank transfer only (no check) to Union Bank of Switzerland, 
Geneva, UNI II 472-319-00D, CGI account number 118176
Registration form without payment will not be taken into account.