[comp.graphics] Triangles in uniform spatial subivision

moreillo@disuns2.epfl.ch (Guy Moreillon) (04/11/91)

  I've got a problem concerning space subdivision and triangles:

  Let's say the space is subdivided in NxNxN voxels. The length, width and
height of the voxels need not be equal, most likely there're not. Now, let's
consider a triangle in that space. My question is : how do I find ALL the
voxels that the triangle cuts? When I mean cut, I mean that the list of the
voxels in which you can find a corner of the triangle will not do. If a part of
the triangle goes through a voxel, then that voxel has to be in the list.
  I guess one could use some kind of incremental algorithm (like a 3DDDA, but
I was wondering if there wasn't something niftier around...

  Anyone got any idea ?
Guy Moreillon

mg@ (Mike Gigante) (04/13/91)

What I do is for each voxel overlapping bbox of triangle substitute
each corner of voxel into plane eqn of triangle.  If sign of resultant
substitution is the same for all corners, then you can reject the
voxel (i.e. it lies entirely on one side of the triangle)

This gets rid of most of the obvious voxels, but you can still end up
with some voxels that cross the *plane* of the triangle, but not
containing the triangle. This is mostly a problem for long, thin
triangle that are not conveniently aligned with the coordinate system.
Further effort (eg performing clipping tests on the triangle for each
voxel), wasn't warranted in my case as all the triangles are the result of 
"nice" tesselations.

Now is it worth it? I am undecided, I suspect not tho' as long as you have
the raytag/ray-id/mailbox optimization...

Mike Gigante, RMIT